Hair & Beauty Magazine

Veet - Suprem Essence Ready to Use Wax Strips Review

By Ireviewuread

Hair. The only characteristic of the body which can make one look incredibly sexy or like an ape if it was grown at an area which is not your scalp  or your brows. However, our body is our body and we can’t control where our “fur” grows. Thus, we have to turn to hair removal; Be it using the cheap and normal way : Shaving or using a costlier and permanent way : Laser. 

Today, we are not going to use any of the above methods. In fact, we are going to venture into: Wax Strips. 


One of the most popular brand in the hair removal market would be: Veet. Known to be able to strip off hair as short as 1.5mm, Veet Wax Strips is known to be a must try for novice who just ventured into waxing. 

Containing 18 Wax Strips and 4 Perfect Finish Wipes, I say that it’s a rather reasonable to price it at $12-$16 per box (I have forgotten it’s price)


Before you use this, make sure you wash or exfoliate the area which you are going to wax for better results. 

Thereafter, heat the wax by rubbing the strip in between your palms

After it’s warm, peel the strips apart

Apply the strip and rub it repeatedly in the direction of hair growth 

When you are prepared, pull the strip against the direction of your hair growth, keeping the strip as low as possible. You might want to hold your skin taut to avoid even more discomfort (This step is optional)

Skin Taut - Hold your skin tight & firmly to prevent red spots after waxing


Do note: Your skin WILL be slightly red after waxing, there might also be red spots. To soothe them, you can wash the area with cold water or apply Aloe Vera Gel or some lotion. 

When you see bumps which resembles white heads which refuse to go off plus it itches like ALOT, that means you have an allergy reaction to the wax and you’ll have to stop using these wax strips. 


As seen from above, the strip is rather big. Hence, it’s advisable for first time users to cut it into half or even smaller. For those who are planning to use these strips for your armpit or bikini area, although I would advise not to (Read on to understand why), it’s a must for smaller pieces. 


After you have finished stripping your ‘fur coat’ off, remove the access wax with the perfect finish wipes. Don’t expect the wipes to be cooling. It’s not a mask. It’s just a sheet with essential oil on both sides.

If you run out of Perfect Finish Wipes, you can use baby oil or Argan oil or any other oil except cooking oil for wax removal.


I would say, I rather like what these Veet wax strips. It can help one legs to look soft, smooth and hairless. As long as you follow it’s instructions, your leg will be hairless. Not exactly white because of the redness and red spots* cause by the tugging of your skin. You can use one strip repeatedly over your leg (different areas) as long as the wax still sticks to the hair. 

*The red spots only occur to those who don’t stretch your skin when waxing.They will go off after a few hours to a day. 

Normally, I would use one strip for each leg. The hairlessness would last about 1 - 2 weeks but even if the hair started growing, these young ‘fur’ are alot lighter and they are quite sparse. Usually, I would wax once a month because by then I can see those hairs saying “Hello!” to me again. 

I would recommend these strips for leg hair removal however for underarms and bikini areas, NO. Firstly, for some reason, these strips don’t remove underarm hair. Like no, empty. It only make them sticky. So don’t waste your strips on your axilla. Next, for me personally, I think that before I can try a product on my bikini area, it have to go through every other area to see if the ‘fur coats’ there are able to be removed successfully. Seeing the results from the underarms test, I shall not try it on my dedicate bikini areas. 


Overall I would give Veet Suprem Essence Ready to Use Wax Strips 3 and a half IreviewUread Smiles. It works perfectly for your legs Minus the redness and red spots but it doesn’t work at all for your underarms. Plus it lasts me bout one month before I have to wax again! OK I know I can only be like totally hairless for 1 - 2 weeks tops but who wil stare at your legs THAT closely.   

So if you are looking for your virgin leg hair removal experience and you know you are not allergic to wax. Do try out Veet Suprem Essence Ready to Use Wax Strips.

You can purchase these strips from your local drug stores eg. Watsons, Guardian, etc. 

If you are just not ready to rip hair off your skin and you want to explore other alternatives rather then shave all the time, you can check out my review on Veet’s Hair Removal Cream 

Note: I am not affiliated with the company. I just am very curious in hair removal alternatives. So yes, I bought these products using my own cold hard cash. 

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