Politics Magazine

UUs…We Don’t Need Another “National Conversation On Race”

Posted on the 16 February 2016 by Eastofmidnight

So the Commission on Social Witness announced that one of the four proposed Congregational Study/Action Issues that will be voted on at General Assembly in June is "A National Conversation On Race".

oh Sweet Creole Jesus! Not again!

Listen up my white liberal friends. America needs another "national conversation on race" about as much as the country needs to start another military conflict in the Near East. What America needs to have is a conversation about WHITE SUPREMACY.

American religious groups (including liberal ones, and especially Unitarianism and Universalism) need to have a conversation about how they, for most of their history in this country, have propped up WHITE SUPREMACY. American religious groups need to have a conversation about how they going to use their theologies in order to dismantle WHITE SUPREMACY.

Having a "national conversation on race" continues to place the onus of change on those have been oppressed by state power and does nothing about the system of WHITE SUPREMACY that will stay in place after that national conversation is over.

One last thing....please, for the love of God and all that is holy, do not post comments/email me/call me/text me/etc. saying that race is just more than black and white or that race is a social construct. I am so done with that white liberal/progressive bullsh*t that I don't know how to tell you how tired of it that I am. So just don't.

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