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This page should be used to inform the Paperblog team about a user repetitively leaving articles/comments of the following descriptions :

  • commericial, racist, pornographic, insulting or deffamatory
  • incomprehensible or very badly written (many spelling mistakes)
  • of no interest at all to Paperblog readers (be careful to always be aware of freedom of expression)

We respect every member's freedom to express their own opinions, providing that these opinions respect other members as well as the terms of service/a>.

Among the messages which are considered contrary to the terms of use we count those which are racist, deffamatory and commercial.

If you come across this, we invite you to fill in the form below to inform us immediately so that we can take the necessary measures (removal of articles, comments, member exclusion, even file a complaint or inform the relevant authorities).

Abuse flagged non-anonymously will be given priority. Abuse flagged without real substance may lead us to no longer take into account the messages sent by that user.

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