Politics Magazine

Up in the Sky

Posted on the 27 September 2020 by Steveawiggins @stawiggins

Superman stands for truth, justice, and the American way.Or least he did when I was a kid.One out of three ain’t bad.Considering the many exposés that have come out about Trump in the last few weeks, many of them by intimate family or very close friends he’s recently betrayed, are a pretty amazing example of a liberal hoax, I guess.Witness after witness after witness comes out saying that truth, justice, and the American way simply aren’t important to 45, and yet the evangelical bloc insists differently.They can’t seem to see that those who like Superman don’t object to your garden variety Republican (although we prefer the other alternative), we object to Duperman saying he’s Superman.When in history have we had several party members advocating that people not vote for their own party’s candidate?And yet the true follower can’t accept the witness of closest friends and fixers that they’ve been lied to for four years.

Like many people I would rather not be political.When it becomes an issue of destroying democracy, however, it suddenly seems like I have to add yet another thing to my already full plate.For four years now I haven’t been able to trust the government to do its job.Trump admits that he ignored how serious he knew the Covid-19 crisis to be back in the spring.Six months later and we’re all still confined to our houses and businesses are suffering, and his supporters say he read this one just right.Over 200,000 of our fellow Americans have died from a virus that our “president” won’t admit is a problem, even as the White House has taken over writing guidelines for the CDC.Boy, are we ever great hoaxers over here on the left!

I recall Superman flying around Metropolis actually fighting crime.Ensuring that the truth was upheld.Justice was essential.People adored him.What happened on the way from Super to Duper?We’ve come to praise a man who is a sworn enemy to justice unless there’s something in it for him.Whose number of documented lies by any measure staggers the imagination, and yet whom “true Christians” support.The Superman of the New Testament had quite a bit to say about truth and justice (the American way was a bit beyond his experience).Those who lived in lies were considered friends of the Devil.But times have changed since then.Heck, they’ve changed since I was a kid.We used to look up to Superman in those days.Now we apparently prefer lies, injustice and what is apparently becoming the American way.

Up in the Sky

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