Business Magazine

Unlimited 1.5% Cashback With This New Credit Card

Posted on the 11 March 2017 by Sgyounginvestment

I love good deals so when I heard of this new credit card by Standard chartered, it seems too good to be true. Standard chartered bank always try to come up with good deals to attract consumers. From a consumer point of view, this is definitely good news. For example, many years back they had this savings account which gives 2% cashback on any spending if we use the debit card. I used it to pay for my university course fees and got quite a lot of cashback in return.

The time round, they have just launched a similar card with unlimited 1.5% cashback on all spending. There is no cap and no minimum spend required. This is very different from the other credit cards in the market which only gives you points or cashback for certain types of spending. There is often a minimum spend too to be eligible for the cashback. This is not the case for this new unlimited cashback card. This card can also be used for public transport with automatic EZ-reload top up function.

For the month of March, they are running a promotion to give new applicants the following choice of gifts:

  1. Up to $138 cashback; or
  2. $150 Caltex StarCash card; or
  3. $150 Uber Credits

I have found another additional promotion where you can get $100 Takashimaya Voucher on top of the gifts SCB is giving.

Unlimited 1.5% Cashback With This New Credit Card

The $100 voucher will only be given if you apply by clicking on the above image. Be sure to follow the instructions on the page to claim your free voucher. One more thing, the card has2 years annual fee waiver so we don't have to worry about paying for the fees upfront.

If the SCB unlimited card does not suit your needs, there are other cards having promotion as well.

If you're a frequent traveler, the Citi Premier Miles card is a must have. You can collect "miles" and exchange it for a free air tickets later. I checked Citibank's website and it seems like they are giving out $120 cashback for new card members. On top of that, if you apply through this link, you'll also get additional $100 NTUC vouchers (Applicable for New Citi Customers only).

Unlimited 1.5% Cashback With This New Credit Card

There are many other cards on promotion too. Check out this link for more details. Remember, you'll not get the vouchers if you apply through the bank directly. The promotion is only valid till 31st March 2017.

Credit cards are useful but never spend more than what you can afford. Spend smartly and wisely.

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