Society Magazine

University of Central Florida Mascot Timeline

Posted on the 20 November 2012 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

The infographic, UCF Mascot Timeline, takes you on a historic journey showing you all the iteration of the FTU and UCF mascot.  When the University of Central Florida was known as Florida Technological University (FTU), the first unofficial mascot of the school was the now infamous Citronaut. The Citronaut soon gave way to the “Knights of Pegasus” in 1970. In 1978, FTU became the University of Central Florida. During this time the first horse and rider started to appear at UCF football games. Then in 1980 a new mascot was developed called “Sir Wins-A-Lot”. After a few years a new mascot was brought in, known as “Puff” or “Pete the Dragon”. The dragon and knight would duel on the sidelines during games. In 1989 a new mascot, “Mack The Knight” was introduced. Mack lasted until the university created was is now known as “Knightro” in 1994. Knightro was briefly joined by Glycerin as the female version of the mascot. Knightro has been updated several time since 1994 to include a new look to match the schools new athletic logos, glitter on the armor, and cape with his name across the back of it. So enjoy this infographic on the University of Central Florida’a mascot.

Infographic Timeline About The UCF Mascot

Infographic Source: Black & Gold Shop

Timeline About The UCF Mascot

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