Fashion Magazine

Type A to the Back

By Jessicavenoy @lovelyjesscuh
My life has been all over the place the last 3 weeks or so. Lots of changes and adjustments, and it's just been crazy. I've been spending basically NO time on the computer so forgive me for that.
I've been out & about spending time with my family & friends. And something else that has been ready to hear this?
My very intense Type-A personality has toned down quite a bit. It kinda caught me off guard, but now that it's been a few weeks, I realize how much more I'm enjoying life! I haven't opened my planner in 2 weeks, people...that is a BIG DEAL for me. And I haven't made my bed every day either. Another huge deal ;)
I've been trying to schedule less and live more.
And let me tell has been one of the most refreshing things I could have done.
It's so different to wake up and take on the day as it comes, rather than planning out everything that I'm going to be doing by the hour. I feel like I've found a new zest for life!
Don't get me wrong...there is NOTHING wrong with type-A personalities.
I just was taking it a little too far and allowing my obsessive organization to rule my life.
I'm just breaking out of this little shell of mine and seeing what the world has to offer AND showing the world what I have to offer :)
Last week I did a little photo shoot with a friend.
Type A to the Back
This was very out of my comfort zone...I'm not into having my pictures taken, but instead of letting that keep me from doing it, I decided to take it as an opportunity to learn and grow. And it was actually SO much fun!
Type A to the Back
I'm tired of living life on the sidelines and watching other people do great things. I don't know what made me realize it, but it just hit me to start getting out there and doing more.
Type A to the Back
I don't want to be the girl who talks about doing a lot. I want to be the girl who is doing  lot.
Type A to the Back
So I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone. There is SO much going on around us that we tend to overlook, just because it makes us a bit uncomfortable. Well you know what I think? I think that life begins at the end of our comfort zones.
"Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
-Mark Twain
All of these pictures were taken & edited by Rad Red Creative.
Such an awesome thing they've got going...I would suggest checking them out and supporting them in any way that you can. They are two people that are stepping out of their comfort zones and going after their dreams. Such an inspiration!
Type A to the Back
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