Economics Magazine

TX Ebola Patient Initially Released Due to Tech Screw Up????

Posted on the 06 October 2014 by Susanduclos @SusanDuclos
Remember when Obama said that the likelihood of ebola reaching American shores was "extremely low"????? Take a look:

 "...we've taken new measures to ensure we are prepared here at home"..
Riiiiiiiiight.  Apparently, not so much..  From Homeland Security News Wire today comes this:
Dallas Ebola patient was sent home as a result of a flaw in software used by many hospitals
6 October 2014
TX Ebola patient initially released due to tech screw up????
Before Thomas Eric Duncan was placed in isolation for Ebola at Dallas’ Texas Health Presbyterian Hospitalon 28 September, he sought care for fever and abdominal pain three days earlier, but was sent home. During his initial visit to the hospital, Duncan told a nurse that he had recently traveled to West Africa — a sign that should have led hospital staff to test Duncan for Ebola. Instead, Duncan’s travel record was not shared with doctors who examined him later that day. This was the result of a flaw in the way the physician and nursing portions of our electronic health records (EHR).EHR software, used by many hospitals, contains separate workflows for doctors and nurses....[...]Protocols were followed by both the physician and the nurses. However, we have identified a flaw in the way the physician and nursing portions of our electronic health records (EHR) interacted in this specific case,” the hospitalwrote in a statement explaining how it managed to release Duncan following his initial visit.
According to NextGovEHR software used by many hospitals contains separate workflows for doctors and nurses. Patients’ travel history is visible to nurses, but such information “would not automatically appear in the physician’s standard workflow.” As a result, a doctor treating Duncan would have no reason to suspect Duncan’s illness was related to Ebola.
Roughly 50 percent of U.S. physicians now use EHRs since the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) began offering incentives for the adoption of digital records. In 2012, former HHS chief Kathleen Sebeliussaid EHRs “will lead to more coordination of patient care, reduced medical errors, elimination of duplicate screenings and tests and greater patient engagement in their own care.” Many healthcare security professionals, however, have pointed out that some EHR systems contain loopholes and security gaps that prevent data sharing among healthcare workers.
The New York Times recently reported that several major EHR systems are built to make data sharing between competing EHR systems difficult....

Very interesting article here.
Go read, and ask yourself this question:  Do I trust our government(s) to tell us the truth? If you are like me, probably not, so do your OWN research. I have many, many questions that the msm has not even thought to investigate yet - but the facts really are out there.

Stay tuned and PAY ATTENTION!

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