Family Magazine

Trying To Cope With More Tragedy On The East Coast

By Monicasmommusings @mom2natkatcj

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Boston Marathon April 15, 2013

Boston Marathon April 15, 2013 (Photo credit: D.J. Milky)

So I spent all day yesterday out and about enjoying my family.  Somehow completely oblivious to what was happening just about 100 miles from my home in Boston, MA.   I came home and got on Facebook where all of my news comes from and saw people sending prayers to Boston and thanking first responders.  I did a quick news check which of course immediately flashed terrorist bombing at Boston Marathon.

I read one article, which was enough for me.  It was just four months ago that I sat and watched the events in Sandy Hook unfold for days.  I honestly am not too sure how much more of this I can handle.  We started to watch a program we had recorded, but it had been switched for a program that was on the bombings.  We only watched the first two minutes or so, but the carnage I saw was really enough.

I tried to blog what I was supposed to blog about for today, but I couldn’t seem to focus on writing that post.  I felt like I needed to get my feelings out about this.

It seems no matter how many laws we change or what we do we are vulnerable to some sort of attack.  If it’s not with guns, it’s with knives.  If it’s not with knives, it’s with box cutters.  If it’s not with airplanes it’s with bombs.

My oldest daughter has her 8th grade field trip coming up next month to Boston.  I’m not entirely sure what this will mean for their trip.  I’m sure they will still go.  There will probably still be heightened security.  I am grateful that it wasn’t yesterday she was in Boston.  I will probably be a nervous wreck the whole day she is there hoping they don’t try to finish the job off or something.

I had to tell her what was going on.  She’ll hear about it at school.  They will probably talk about the logistics of things for their trip.  She will see the news reports on her computer.  She will read them and watch the videos and look at the pictures.  That’s what she did with Sandy Hook.  She still to this day follows the stories of those kids.  That hit too close to home for her.  She sees her little brother in the faces of those children.  And she will probably see herself or her younger siblings in the faces of the children who either lost their lives or limbs in this terrible tragedy.

I struggle with how much is healthy for her in this.  She is developing strong beliefs on things though.   I can’t stop her from seeing it, it’s everywhere.

The rest of the kids I will include in conversations as age appropriately as possible.  I really do hate that this is the world they live in though.  I feel like at least the three youngest kid’s entire life has been lived on alert.  If a plane flies too low we are always wondering is it terrorists again?  Now just observing and cheering on a marathon will leave the question of will the terrorists attack again?  I wish I had the answers of how to end this.  I guess all we can do is stay strong and stay united.  Maybe our children will figure out the answer to peace.

For now my thoughts and prayers are with all of those affected by the Boston bombings.  And a great big thank you to the first responders who ran in there not knowing if there were more bombs about to go off, but tried to save as many people as they could.

What were you doing when the bombs when off in Boston on April 15, 2013?

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