Politics Magazine

Trump Is Lying About The Tax Cuts The GOP Wants

Posted on the 05 October 2017 by Jobsanger
Trump Is Lying About The Tax Cuts The GOP Wants Trump Is Lying About The Tax Cuts The GOP Wants
If there's anything we should have learned by now, it's that Donald Trump is a shameless LIAR. He has literally lied over a thousand times since assuming office, and he is lying once again -- this time about the "middle class" tax cuts he says Congress is going to pass.
He said he wouldn't personally benefit from those tax cuts. That's a lie. He will save millions in taxes in several ways. He said the wealthiest Americans wouldn't benefit from the tax cuts. That's a lie. Nearly all of the tax cuts will go to the rich and the corporations. He said the middle class would be the biggest recipients of the tax cuts. That's a lie. The middle class will get only a pittance, and some will even have to pay more in taxes.
And it gets worse. To pay for their tax cut for the rich, Trump and the Republicans want to cut hundreds of millions of dollars from Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs that actually help ordinary Americans.
The Republican tax cut is nothing more than a huge transfer of wealth from the poor, working class, and middle class, to the rich and the corporations. It is class war, and it is aimed at the Americans who can least afford it. It must be stopped.

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