Politics Magazine

Trump Has Lost Significant Support In Red-State Georgia

Posted on the 16 January 2018 by Jobsanger
Trump Has Lost Significant Support In Red-State Georgia
Georgia is a pretty red state, and one would expect Trump support to be pretty strong there. After all, he carried the state in the 2016 election by a full 5 points. But that expectation seems to be wrong currently. A new poll shows approval for Donald Trump has dropped sharply. Now only 36.7% of Georgians approve of Trump, while 58.7% disapprove -- a negative gap of 22 points!
That makes one wonder -- if the 2020 election was held right now, could Donald Trump carry the state? Maybe not.
The chart above reflects the results of a recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution Poll -- done between January 3rd and 10th of a random sample of 940 Georgia voters, with a margin of error of 3.2 points.

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