Debate Magazine

"Tory MP Richard Fuller Backs London Underground Trains"

Posted on the 01 October 2015 by Markwadsworth @Mark_Wadsworth

From City AM, some time in the 19th century:
A member of a powerful commons committee is calling on colleagues in parliament to scrutinise Transport for London (TfL) over its drastic new proposals to impose draconian regulations on underground train services.
Richard Fuller, a Conservative MP who sits on the business select committee, told City A.M. the proposals were “precisely the sort of thing the committee should be looking at”.
“What is the purpose of some of the regulations? Why is it in anyone’s interest to make people wait longer for a train?” Fuller said. “I don’t understand why a regulator feels that these are so important for the public interest. And if they’re not for the public interest, then who is the regulator working for?”
TfL said yesterday that it will consult on multiple proposals to regulate underground transport, including imposing a minimum waiting time of five minutes between trains, banning carriage-sharing and stopping companies from publishing timetables in advance. It has also suggested forcing operators to offer pre-booking of train seats seven days in advance...
Mayoral hopeful Zac Goldsmith said last month that regulations needed to be imposed to prevent handsom cab drivers and from being “extinct in a matter of years”.

Mr Goldsmith has also spoken out vociferously against the construction of 'bridges' spanning the River Thames, saying that they would make Thames ferrymen "a thing of the past".

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