Hair & Beauty Magazine

Top Home Remedies for Acne

By Therealsupermum @TheRealSupermum

Top Home Remedies for AcneAcne is an embarrassing skin condition which is normally associated with adults but can affect people of all ages. Sufferers will complain of spots which spread across the face. Acne can be caused by a variety of reasons but the spots are formed when acne causing bacteria builds up in pores that have been clogged by dead skin cells and dirt. The bacteria thrive on the skins natural oil which pools on top of the clogged pores and spots form.

There are a number of treatments, including a whole host of topical treatments which can be bought over the counter. However, the best of these products tend to use natural ingredients. There are a number of home remedies which use the same natural ingredients with the same amount of success as the shop bought treatments without costing even a fraction of the price.

Baking Soda

One of the most popular home remedies to treat acne is a paste made from baking soda and water.

  • Mix a small amount of baking soda and water together to form a paste
  • Apply to area needed
  • Leave for 5 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water

There is evidence that ancient Egyptian women actually used a similar product as soap when they bathed. The baking soda is said to cut through the grease on the skins surface and remove the dirt and bacteria whilst keeping the natural PH of the skin balanced.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is extremely popular as a home remedy for acne because of its high content of alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA). This form of acid is used widely in acne treating products and is useful in dissolving fat and grease on the skin.

Mixing one part vinegar to eight parts water and applying the solution directly to the skin should see a noticeable difference in acne spots within a week.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil takes a unique approach to acne. The oil is actually ester, and resembles the body’s natural oil, sebum, more than anything else on the planet.

Because the was acts like sebum, application of it keeps the skin moisturized but also makes the body think that it has already produced enough sebum. The body takes this message and reduces the amount of sebum produced which means no more breeding ground for acne causing bacteria.

Cleansing the face thoroughly and using the wax as a moisturizing cream should cure acne in a matter of weeks.

Hot Epsom Salt Bath

A nice hot bath (not hot enough to burn, but hot enough to sweat) with some Epsom salts is a great way to both relax and treat acne in hard to reach places like the back. The salt contains minerals which, when absorbed into the body, regulates the production of different enzymes which contribute towards healthy hair and skin.

Tea Tree Oil

The anti-bacterial and antifungal oil is used in many hair and skin products around the world. The oil works to kill the acne causing bacteria; however care should be taken when applying the oil as it may inflame the skin. Diluting it with boiled water should prevent this from happening. Dabbing cotton wool which has been soaked some water containing a drop of tea tree oil to the areas should reduce inflammation and prevent further outbreaks.

Anthony Carter is an expert in health related topics, focusing especially on dermatology. Having written many articles for the comprehensive acne information site Acne24, he is well versed on the best acne treatment methods.

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