Lifestyle Magazine

Top 7 Rainy Day Films

By Jadecharlotte @jadeodonnell_
Top 7 Rainy Day FilmsIn true British weather style, the rain is still making itself know despite it being the middle of August and supposedly Summer. It's days like today when it's blistering hot and the sun is out one minute and then it's chucking it down with rain the next that I like to choose a good old fashioned film and snuggle up under a blanket and have a movie marathon. In no particular order here is a list of my current top seven 'girly' films.
The Lizzie McGuire Movie: The Lizzie McGuire Movie is just one of those films that are timeless. It's easy to watch, is full of catchy songs and Hilary Duff is just down right adorable! Also, slight spoiler: Lizzie and Gordo finally got together at the end of the film which at the time made me one very happy eleven year old. 
Clueless: 90's fashion, lots of memorable catchphrases and the late and great Brittany Murphey in one of her finest roles - if I do say so myself. Could you possible need anything else? As if!  
10 Things I Hate About You: A modern day (well, 90's) telling of William Shakespeare's Taming Of The Shrew is witty, full of relate-able characters and has an amazing script, plus it stars a young Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt - who knew that The Joker and Robin went to high school together?
Top 7 Rainy Day FilmsThe Virgin Suicides: Not a comedy like the other films on this list but it is by no means any less wonderful and timeless. The story follows a group of boys who become enchanted by the five Lisbon sisters who live in their small community: Lux, Mary, Cecilia, Therese and Bonnie. Overtime the boys fall in love with the mysterious teens and then have to watch as the girls meet their untimely fate one by one. I personally think that this is one of those films that you should watch at least once in your life as it's very thought provoking and will make you cry!
Heathers: Before Mean Girls and Clueless there was Heathers. Veronica Sawyer desperately wants to be a part of the popular crowed even if it means not being true to herself. Made up of the three meanest girls in the school, and they're all called Heather (a bit like the Ashley's in Recess if anyone remembers that cartoon?) the group rules the halls with their sharp tongues and daily lunchtime polls and it looks as if Veronica is about to archive her goal, until the mysterious JD (a young Christian Slater) arrives in town and opens an already cynical Verionica to a whole new way of rewriting all the high school rules - one murder at a time. Staring my all time favorite actress, a 19 year old Winona Ryder as Veronica this is the perfect film if you're a fan of dark comedy and fancy something a bit different to your usual 'teenage high school' films.
The Bling Ring: Based on true events and  a short lived reality television show The Bling Ring looks at how far some people are willing to go to live the lifestyle of a celeb - even if it means that you have to rob a few houses here and there!
Easy A: Emma Stone plays a girl called Olive who lies about loosing her virginity to her best friend in a moment of madness and then agrees to lie to people by saying that she's done various things with a string of boys in exchange for money and presents. Of course things backfire and she ends up getting a horrible reputation that she must now fix. Again, it's Emma Stone - what's not to love?
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