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Top 7 Effective Ways for Peeling Skin at Home

By Meghashop @kumarisapna11

Peeling skin is a removing process of dead skin remained in epidermis, the outermost skin layer. It is usually happened without you realizing it. The peeling skin can be a typical normal phenomenon but it can be annoying as you commonly experience itchy, dry, rash and irritating accompanying with white flake skin peeled off from your face. There are a number of factors that can fasten the peeling process, including: excessive exposure to the sun, harsh weather condition, chemical-related skin irritations or allergies, skin infections, immune disorders, genetics, adverse effects of medications, etc. Peeling skin seems to have no harmful effects but it is not. You not only be discomfort but have a higher chance of getting skin infection if your condition is left untreated.

Top 7 effective ways for peeling skin at home

The following easy home-made remedies can help you with your peeling skin.

A mixture of lemon and sugar is one of the most effective natural skin scrubs that help you to remove your dead skin cells. Moreover, lemon has properties of soothing and healing so it literally essential for your skin health. You can make a mixture of sugar, lemon juice and add a few drops of olive oil for better effect. Then apply this mixture on your skin and rub in circular directions gently. After that, rinse of with cold water to astringe your pore. Remember to apply at least 1-2 times every week and wait to see the result.

Olive oil is a great potential remedy that you do not want to miss for your dry peeling skin as it contains many fatty acids that are wonderful moisturizing your skin. Besides that, vitamin E contained in the oil is a free radicals fighter that helps you to have a youth look. You can simply add a certain amount of olive oil into 2 tablespoons of salt and use as a body scrub on a daily basis until you are free of skin flakes. You can also add some olive oil on your balm, warm it up and massage gently on your skin. Apply the oil for 2-3 times per week.

Similar to lemon and sugar, cucumber is another effective organic astringent. It not only help you with your peeling skin but relieve you from sunburn, itchiness and irritation as it contain a high level of water and vitamin C. Mash a cucumber into paste and apply directly on your affected area. Let it sit there for 15-20 minute periods before wash it off with warm water. Use cucumber everyday for at least 1-2 week to restore your dehydrated skin.

Honey has been well-known for its' moisturizing and healing properties. The irritation and itchiness that come from a peeling skin will be eliminated after a week using honey. Rub a little honey on your skin and let it sit for 10-20 minutes before rinse it off with warm water.

Top 7 effective ways for peeling skin at home

Another effective method to soften your skin and reduce peeling skin signs is yogurt. Yogurt contains a variety of components, namely minerals, enzymes and acids that are useful to fasten your healing process and moisturize your dry skin. You can add either a half of a ripe banana or 2 teaspoon of honey to 2 yogurt tablespoons and apply the mixture on your skin. After 10-15 minutes drying, wash your skin with warm water.

Unlike other home remedies, mint not only helps to moisturize your skin but calm and refresh your skin. So apply a little mint juice on your affected area before going to sleep and let it there overnight. Use warm water to rinse it off in the next morning and apply another light moisturizer on that area gently. Repeat this procedure until your skin condition is improved.

Aleo vera is loaded with soothing and moisturizing properties that make it one of the most effective natural remedies for your skin problems. It helps to ease irritation, inflammation and the peeling skin. Mix 2 tablespoons of aloe vera extract and vitamin E. Apply the mixture onto the affected skin area and massage gently before let it dry and wash it off. Repeat this method 2-3 times everyday for about a week.

Bio: Jelly Jeff is a senior editor of AuthorityRemedies ; that a website which is specialized in providing natural home remedies, tips and also nutrition facts to improve the well-beings. She is a nurse but she keens to explore nutrition and fitness. In addition, she loves writing and doing research. She appreciates to be a good writer in nutrition.

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