Hair & Beauty Magazine

Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream

By Urhappybunnie @joaniebunnie
I honestly don't use hand creams that often. I only use them during the winter season where my hands feel particularly dry from the weather and frequent hand washing. Grateful to BNTNews, I got my hands on one of Tony Moly's best selling product, the Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream.
Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream
The Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream claims to be a whitening product, diminishes wrinkle and makes the skin supple and elastic.
Main Ingredients:
  • Peach Extract
  • Apricot Extract
  • Adenosine - has the ability to increase production of collagen and elastin, proteins the reduces the appearance of aging (wrinkles)
  • Consistency - thin, reminiscent of facial moisturizers rather than the thickness that is usually associated with hand creams
  • Color - slightly pink tinged
  • Scent - Strong, pleasant fruity peach scent
  • Packaging - very cute - peach shaped
  • Price - between $7 - $9, full size 30g
Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream
  • It doesn't come in a box - it is sold as is with a sticker seal between the lid; though this is not really a huge issue, I just feel that any product sold without any box packaging is more susceptible to product tampering.
  • Product information are in Hangul/Korean characters - since it doesn't come with a box packaging which has more space to write English translations of product information, information that are at the bottom of the product are only in Korean. I personally like knowing what my skin care products are made of and without any English translations, I have to do a thorough research on this particular product to help me write this review (which I always do anyway) and make sure nothing is amiss.
Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream
Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream
Since I am not an avid hand cream user, having only used one or two brands of hand cream previously, I can only point out one difference between this product and those other two, and that is it's consistency. The other two that I have tried are very thick and has a very moisturizing feeling and though this one is thinner in consistency, it is moisturizing as well, however, it doesn't last for very long. The scent is another story, since it does last for a while in your hand so that's a huge bonus. As for the product's claim on whitening, anti-wrinkle and anti-aging, I can't really tell. I haven't been using this product long enough to see any significant difference in my skin color or texture. Well, prevention is better than cure as the saying goes so it doesn't hurt to have some of that ant-wrinkle and anti-aging affect... not that we would never get wrinkles or never age, just slow down the process and appearance of it. 
Overall, I'll give this product a happy  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥/5 rating!
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Tony Moly Peach Anti-Aging Hand Cream

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