Food & Drink Magazine

Today's Review: Double Pretz Cheese & Blueberry

By Areviewaday

Today's Review: Double Pretz Cheese & Blueberry
I'm a big fan of Pocky, and I always try to pick up a pack when I visit an oriental supermarket. But this time I opted for this interesting pack of Pretz, which promises both blueberry and cheese flavours. Blueberry cheesecake pretzel sticks? Count me in.
Today's Review: Double Pretz Cheese & Blueberry
Well, they look slightly disappointing. The box looked like it was packing a nice  thick coating, but in fact it's just peppered on. Still, the flavor is there. The stocks themselves are crunchy, perhaps a little too soft for my liking, but not bad. The blueberry flavor is certainly not bold, but once it comes into play it provides a very sweet undertone that lingers for a while. As for the cheese, I'm not sure. The first hit is distinctly cheesy, and not sweetly so, more like Mini Cheddar than cheesecake. It soon mellows out into a sweeter taste, and combined the two flavours do create a hint of cheesecake, but it's not great. These are nice for a change, but I think I'll stick with the classic pretzel stick flavours in future.
My rating: 3/5

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