Lifestyle Magazine

Time to Up My Anxiety Meds

By Midlifemargaritas @mdlifemargarita

Time to Up My Anxiety Meds

I’m losing it. Seriously. I think we have had enough isolation and anxiety now. Dear God, please turn off the Virus machine. I promise we will be better! If not at least let me up my anxiety medication.

I think we are all over this mess. Except the super positive, glass always mostly full people. They are loving this shit. Me, not so much anymore. I think I have watched all of Netflix and Hulu now. Read all my books twice. Even sent a few hand written letters to random people I found addresses for online. I. Am. Bored.

I did discover TikTok. I mean I had found it before but it was all kids on there being weird. Since we are all staying at home now, the over 40’s have taken over! It’s like someone just discovered America or something. I have learned some new dance moves and found some new drinking games. I highly recommend it to everyone to waste time.

Just me and the hubby at home. And the dog. The dog is loving having both of us at home all day everyday. He’s going to lose his mind when this is over and we can go back to normal. Whatever “normal” is.

Just being home all day everyday is too much. The hubster and I now send each other memes via text. While we are in the same room. Then we laugh and laugh. Thank goodness we stocked up on booze when the pandemic first started. I know I should be more grateful and thankful but I am way passed that point. I want to get out. Visit my favorite restaurants and shops. I want to see my kids and my parents and my 99 year old grandmother. I want to hug people and kiss little babies faces. I want more human contact. Sure the hubby and dog are great for affection but I need more.

I realize this is a rare situation for all of us. I feel bad for those that are sick, dying, being on the front lines and the government, doctors and scientists all trying to figure this out with the media hammering all of them in the meantime.

Sorry to be such a Debbie Downer today but it’s were I am right now. Ready and done. How are you my friends? How are you coping? Are you were I am mentally?

I need a stiff drink and some laughs. Or you may see me dancing on TikTok!


How about some fries with those thighs?

♬ Chunky – Bruno Mars

Peace Love and Margaritas!

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