Languages Magazine


By Velsprim8 @velsprim8
Let us pause this topic in this blog with this post, since it turned in similar line to my another blog - Lean,Learn,Lead
The change in the reality would happen when it is a regular, common one for all. To make it clear, Now a days we are adjusting ourselves the in-discipline as common and passing away in our way. This was not like that initially when it was started new.One more example, I remember the rush to pay bill in Telephone exchanges and the staffs of telephone exchange behaved like the bosses of the public before 10 to 12 years. When BPL Cellular Service was introduced, the popularity of BSNL was slightly reduced. In percentage, it may be around 10%. It was because the BPL too behaved like a royal and concentrated in the higher end public. It was Reliance, which single handedly wiped all of them away with the quote "Mobile for each and every Indian".Now, there is no rush or queue in telephone exchanges either to pay bill or to purchase connection. The change in technology and the minds of businessmen in that field earned respect while the older suffered due to its lack of courtesy.I trust in myself and the co-passengers of life none other than you, that we could change our mindset and try our best to implement the good things taught to us in our school days. We should be the best role models for our children and in turn they would also do it for the welfare of their kids.May be our generation got settled or not entitled to do anything on behalf. Our children-the future administrators of this nation, the future citizens, civilians, civil servants, workers, farmers, doctors, engineers, IASs, IPSs would be the honest persons in the world.Let us hope that the change would come in TIME yourvelmuruganposted by: vels / http://www.velsprim8.blogspot.comPosted by Vels

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