Lifestyle Magazine

Thrifting Tips

By Cel O

mom and Maia
Dress: Mela Loves London dress Thrifted
Jacket:P50 Thrifted
On Maia
Blouse: P35 Gymboree: Thrifted
Black leggings: P80 Topshop Thrifted

Ever since childhood, thrifting wasn’t new to me. No joke, my late grandma used to get me beautiful pieces from rummage sales. One thing I noticed is she chose good quality materials, because the clothes she gets lasted for many years.  I remember that brown jacket with a nice fur, it was my favorite back then, it kept me comfortably warm.

From time to time, I visit thrift shops. Why? Because they’re cheap(I can get 6-8 pieces compared to just one when buying from  from boutiques), and most likely you get a unique piece. One thing that thrills me is finding something vintage!


Here are some tips for you when you decide to go thrifting.

1. Be patient.  This is one of the secrets in getting that ‘gem’ you might be looking for. Expect to sift through piles and piles of clothes. Some shops don’t hang them so you have to dig down.

2.  Inspect. If you find something you like, check the armpits if the stitches are still intact. Examine carefully and look for stains, holes and damages.

3. Dress appropriately. It’s better to go thrift shopping in simple attire. Sometimes it’s hard to haggle in your ‘pretty’ clothes. Wear something that you can easily try on items like leggings and fit blouses. But if you don’t like the idea of fitting, make sure you know your size.

4. Sanitizer/tissue. Some thrift shops in Manila don’t have aircon, so expect lots of sweat.  Don’t forget to bring a sanitizer or alcohol.

5. Brands/Quality. If you can’t buy designer items because of the horrendous price tags in boutiques, thrift shops are the place to get them  if you’re lucky, at a very reasonable price. Should you find something without a brand but the material looks durable and promising, take it!

6. Visualize. Think why you would like to get that particular item. Visualize how you’ll use it in order to avoid buying  clothes that just stays in the closet.

7. Updates. Ask the owner/saleslady when new arrivals are displayed so you’ll know when to go. A freshly open box  has better chances of finding good selections.

Do love visiting thrift shops? Share your tips. :)

See you next post,


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