Eco-Living Magazine

This Is How Much CO2 President Joe Biden Will Save in His First 100 Days

Posted on the 27 January 2021 by Ecoexperts @TheEcoExperts
This Is How Much CO2 President Joe Biden Will Save in His First 100 Days

The world's second-biggest carbon emitter released 5.13 billion tonnes of CO2e into the atmosphere in 2019, according to the US government. Eliminate that, and every year - on average - the US will save an additional 176.9 million tonnes of CO2e.

This means the oil under the refuge would release 3,307,997,000 tonnes of CO2e.

And that's just from its eventual use as energy. Taking it out of the Arctic would have used a massive amount of energy, and caused untold damage to the region's ecosystem.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will remain untouched by oil and gas leasing

If we assume a 6 million barrel average, that means that with a stroke of his pen, President Biden has protected natural lands from being polluted with 546 million barrels of oil - as well as preventing 1.075 billion tonnes of CO2e.

That means the US will save 1.29 million tonnes of CO2e from banning flights from the UK, 938,400 tonnes from stopping EU flights, and 72,937 tonnes from barring Brazilian flights - for a total of 2,301,337 tonnes of CO2e.

Josh is The Eco Experts' main man for home security, smart devices, and boilers. If it can make your life better and help the environment, he's on it.

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