Lifestyle Magazine

This Drink Can Kill Your Smoking Urge

By Tapang786

Let us admit it, quitting smoking is not easy and you must have tried nicotine patches and gums but they too must have failed to help you quit smoking or Kill Smoking Urge Now, how about trying a simple remedy using ingredients from your kitchen?

You will need an orange, a grapefruit, a cup of chamomile tea, 30 grams of olive oil, 30 grams of Jojoba oil, 5 grams of Oregano, 30 grams of olive oil, and 30 grams of coconut oil Juice up the grapefruit and oranges and mix all other ingredients in it.

You can fill the mixture in your water bottle and inhale its smell or rub a drop to your nose whenever you feel like smoking throughout the day.

This remedy worked for many in minimizing the urge to smoke and now, here are other such remedies for Kill Smoking Urge.

Tip #1

Eat either a carrot, cucumber, or even a raw eggplant before smoking and you won’t feel like smoking and especially, carrot juice could help you reduce smoking.

Tip #2

Drink orange juice or lemon juice a couple of times during the day as smoking deprives you of vitamin C, these juices can keep you healthy and also minimize the desire for a puff.

Tip #3

Drinking a cup of milk when the urge to smoke hits you can help and a cigarette soon after drinking milk might not taste good and this may minimize your urge to smoke.

Tip #4

Another home remedy is to dip your finger in salt and lick it and some studies say that the taste of salt on your tongue can help minimize your craving.

Tip #5

An age-old method is to chew gum which is sugar-free and this could reduce your oral fixation if that is the problem.

Tip #6

Drink hot water every time you feel like taking a smoke break and drinking tea or coffee can increase your smoking urge as they can make the cigarettes taste good.

Tip #7

Ginseng is an herb that can control your cravings But health experts suggest not consuming this herb for more than 2-3 times per month.

Drink Can Kill Your Smoking Urge

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