Lifestyle Magazine

Things to Do During Coronavirus Lockdown At Home

By Harshil Barot @Harshil_Barot

As of now, Coronavirus has taken the shape of global pandemic wreaking havoc into the lives of people worldwide. The entire world has been crippled by the increasingly large number of deaths caused by COVID-19, a disease caused by the family of viruses.

Many countries have announced a temporary lockdown and have ordered people to stay at home and not go out for anything apart from emergency.

Coronavirus Lockdown - Things to Do At Home

Things to Do During Coronavirus Lockdown At Home

India is one such country that has announced a lockdown and all Indians are restricted to their homes for avoiding the spread of the virus. At such trying times, what are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to spend our time? Here are few ideas.

1] Stay fit and exercise in the morning

Thankfully, if you've been procrastinating your exercise routine due to your busy schedule of work, this is the best time you can start it off all over again.

Now that you're confined to your homes, there's very less movement that you can do to stay fit. Hence, exercising for half-an-hour to an hour is a must. If you have a lawn or a rooftop in your house, make use of the space by walking everyday.

2] Practice dancing

Regardless of whether you've loved dancing, how about giving it a try? How is the idea to learn a new form of dance?

Well, you may not get a professional during the lockdown period who can teach you but you always have online videos to guide you. Dancing improves your health, your mood and also lets you stay fit. Once you complete a dance, you even gain confidence.

3] Read good books

Books are always the best companion for you, especially when you have no other task to do. Since you've always been caught up with busy lives and office work, how about picking your all-time favorite book and re-reading it?

Or you can also start a new book, may be of a new genre that you haven't read before? Use your free time wisely in choosing the right book and you'll never know how soon time flew!

4] Watch the latest TV series or web series

As we're dealing with the best way of spending our lockdown days, binge watching your best TV or web series can't be missed. You may check out the best Indian web series or even the International ones and pledge to complete one each day.

There's a wide array of web content available in the streaming platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hotstar and several others. Be prepared to be spoilt for choice once you start streaming.

5] Start practicing a new hobby

When you're bored of staying back at home for a long period of time, you can pick a new hobby. For example, you can utilize your free time in creating some form of art or learning a new language or trying your hand at painting or pottery. If you already had a long-lost hobby that you had to give up due to lack of time, you can start it all over again.

6] Follow an interesting blog or start a new one

Blogs are currently the best way of educating yourself with new things. You can search the internet by typing your topics of interest and finding a list of the best blogs.

There are blogs on every single topic and you can stay updated with their blog posts by subscribing to their blog. Or you may even start a new blog of your own. If you think you have writing skills , this is possibly the best way to stay engaged.

7] Recreate social interactions virtually

Since you're confined to your homes, you must be feeling lonely. This is the time when you'll feel the dire need of staying in touch with your friends and family. Social connectedness is as important as a proper diet is for your health.

You can try to recreate your social interactions via video calls by installing the video call apps. Houseparty, Zoom or Google Hangouts - you can download any one for staying in touch with your friends and family members.

8] Invest time with your family

Well, this is an obvious point to include now that you're locked down in your homes. How many times did you think that you're not being able to give enough time to your mom and dad or to your kids due to your busy work schedule?

Many a times, for sure! Now that you have got all the time in your hands, make use of it and spend time with your loved ones. Enjoy your meals together, play your favorite games, browse through old memories and also divide your household chores.

9] Organize and declutter your house

When you were working, how many weekends did you think of organizing your house and then postponing it to the next weekend (which of course never came)?

Now there are no excuses of postponing as you have enough time to complete all your leftover tasks. Since all your family members are now at home, divide your tasks.

Allot the living room to your spouse, your bathroom to someone else and you take up the kitchen. This will save time and efforts.

10] Take to gardening

Don't you think you get a sense of deep satisfaction and relief when you're among trees and plants? So, why don't you, along with your near ones involve in gardening to be able to give back to nature?

Involve yourself in planting seeds, creating garden art, controlling weeds or in some other gardening activities. The sense of giving back your best to nature is extremely satiating.

Therefore, now that you've come to know about the best ideas to spend your lockdown days, what are you waiting for? Follow them to stay involved in something productive and to get creative.

Also keep sharing information and knowledge with the uneducated so that they too get to know about the Coronavirus and take the required steps to keep the disease at bay.

Let's fight COVID-19 together!

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