Lifestyle Magazine

Things I’m Loving …

By 74limelane @74LimeLane

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Jet trails at sunrise

We’ve been blessed with autumn showers this week ~ boy did we need the rain ~ although the temperatures are still hitting the big 3-0 which I could do without.

But this week  I’ve seen a beautiful sunrise ~ above, doesn’t really do it justice ~ and had moments of great laughter and love, a good report from Master 9-almost-10′s teacher and really, what else could you wish for. [OK, a lotto win would be nice but I digress.]

Here are a few things I’m loving this week:

  • On the beautiful and lovely, what about a gorgeous retriever and his brood of chicks. That’s a “gah the cuteness” moment if there ever was one.
  • Snapping again for photo-a-day in April. I haven’t managed to finish a month in a long time, and I’m already a day behind, but a start is a start.
  • Karen’s declaration that April is the new January. I love this because I often say Tuesday is the new Monday. I love that feeling of starting whenever you’re ready.
  • Another day, another Happy cover, but this trombone version is impressive.
  •  The UK gets a stationery week ~ so jealous of that. A few fun facts.

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