Food & Drink Magazine

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: May Edition

By Slowdownandsavor

How is it already Thursday? Man. This week has seriously flown by at full force speeds, and for that I am glad. It’s also time, once again, for Slow Down and Savor’s Favorite Things posting! I love this time of the month, because I’m able to share some of the coolest products and in this month’s case, websites, that I’ve come across, use either on a daily basis, or that I believe in and want to promote.

I was not financially compensated for this post. I did not receive any samples for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experiences.

So, without any further ado…

Favorite things

1. The Leaning Pear, their buttermilk panna cotta with mascerated fruits, and my first Mother’s Day: The subtitle here is highly self explanatory, however, I just need to go into detail about it. This past Mother’s Day was my very first Mother’s Day, and my husband and kiddo made it such an incredibly special day. I woke up to thoughtful cards, hugs and kisses, a lazy morning and a fantastic brunch at one of my very favorite restaurants, The Leaning Pear.

Mother's Day

The highlight of our meal was the buttermilk panna cotta with macerated peaches and strawberries. Basically, panna cotta is a cold Italian custard, often served with fruit sauce or caramel syrup. This particular panna cotta was simply heavenly. The kiddo described it expertly as ice cream + Jello. Yes. That’s what it was. It tasted like the creamiest of the creamy gelatos but had the texture of a really dense Jello. Insanely deliciously perfect. I am not a sweet-eater, but holy cow. If I could have that dessert every day, I would. I’d also need new pants, but I wouldn’t care. It’d be worth it. 

2. Caramel Apple Cupcakes and The Cupcake Girls Cookbook: Where oh WHERE do I begin with this. As you may recall, I made these cupcakes per the request of my little man for his 6th birthday. As you also may recall, the kids at school hated them. They were too exotic for their little taste buds, which are more keen to Betty Crocker and the like.

dc cupcakes

But these cupcakes were absolutely sensational. From the homemade caramel-filled centers to the fresh apple cake and the delicious and finger-licking good vanilla butter cream frosting, every element was absolutely fantastic. I don’t know what those kids were thinking. At least my little man loved them. Along with all of his teachers and my husband/mom/mom-in-law. So good.

3. Mom&Me Italian Pepper Sauce: Who here has heard of Farrah Abraham? Chances are that if you’re a girl and you’re between the ages of 15 and 35, and you have cable, this name might just ring a few bells. She was star of 16 and Pregnant, as well as Teen Mom, and has since moved here to Austin to pursue whatever it is she’s pursuing. The only thing that she’s done that I have to just give a roaring round of applause and two enthusiastic thumbs up is to help launch this out of control delicious sauce called Mom&Me Premium Italian Pepper Sauce. I’m telling you, I was skeptical when I first received the jar from her father, Mike Abraham, but as soon as I tasted it, I was sold.

farrah abraham

Mom and Me Premium Hot Pepper sauce is made with only natural ingredients and is both Gluten Free and Vegan and is certified as such. The garden fresh ingredients of hot banana peppers, tomatoes, onions and garlic capture a Sicilian flavor that is natural, healthy and delicious. I actually used the stuff a couple nights ago as a marinade to create one of the tastiest dishes I’ve ever made, Spicy Italian Shrimp. Yum. Delicious.

4. HEB’s Texas Tilapia Tortilla Burgers: When I was at HEB the other day getting the week’s groceries, I stopped by the fish area, as I always do, and managed to get into an in depth conversation about a new product they’re making, Tilapia Burgers. The fish monger, Jimi, said that each bite of the burger leads to a “flavor explosion,” and that they are “simply awesome.” Well… I had to try them. So that very night, I decided to make them for dinner.

These are a few of my favorite things: May Edition
tilapia burger

They were indeed a flavor explosion. Michael and I really enjoyed the bold flavors and were happy with their texture too. There’s no bun required for these babies, and the fact that they’re WAY healthier than a traditional burger was a plus in my book.

5. Karen’s Hugs: Oh my gosh. I can’t even begin to explain how sweet this cat is. I mean, just look at her!

karen the cat

She has learned to hug, and that sort of just melts my entire heart. I love my little baby. Hopefully when the new kitten arrives, she will hug, not hiss.

6. BuzzFeed: BuzzFeed is my new YouTube. I can’t stop once I start, and suddenly it has been an hour and a half and I’ve read like 25 articles with titles like, 28 Photographs That Are Weirdly Interesting and 64 Mind-Blowing Facts That Will Make You Feel Incredibly Happy.

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I get sucked in, people, and I can’t get out. In fact, as I am writing this article, I can’t help myself but go back and forth between this and the Weirdly Interesting article… But the best part is, I feel like I actually learn something through most of these black holes, so at least there’s that.

So there you have it folks, my favorite things for the month of May! What are some of YOUR favorite things?

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