Politics Magazine

There Is No Liberal Media

Posted on the 10 October 2016 by Calvinthedog

Stalin Tonks: Robert, are you fucking high? Of course the media is biased. The (((media))) may as well be an extension of the Democrat party.

Not really. Time, Newsweek, CNN, etc. are not liberal at all. US News and World Report is not liberal. None of us in the base of the Democratic Party thinks the print media is liberal.

Fox News is for Trump. NBC is now run by a former Fox News producer and has been supporting Trump for a long time now.

The entire radio band is run by a very rightwing outfit called Clear Channel.

The media supported George W. Bush all through his Presidency. The US elite which the media are a part of, has basic class interests and projects involving neoconservatism and Empire abroad and neoliberalism at home. Media “Democrats” and media “Republicans” don’t differ much on the basics of the elite project. They only quibble about some of the details. As long as the President, Republican or Democrat,  supports the basic elite project, the media tends to support them.

The media backed Bush’s wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the hilt. The media supported every single war that Reagan, George Bush Sr. and his son ever started.

The media has long supported the rightwing project to gut “entitlements” including privatizing Medicare and Social Security.

The US political class, Democratic and Republican, is against Trump, but I do not think the media even cares.

I actually do not mind rich Jews. As long as we have to have rich people, I would rather have Jewish rich than Gentile rich. None of the rich are very progressive, but the rich Jews are remarkably progressive for rich people. The Gentile rich are frighteningly reactionary (Koch Brothers, etc.). I don’t even mind the “liberal Jewish media” except for the problem that it isn’t very liberal. But Jewish media outlets like the (((New York Times))) do tend to be more progressive than the Gentile media outlets (Rupert Murdoch) for what it’s worth.

But one group of Jews that I really do not like at all are the media Jews. I don’t dislike them because they are Jewish but more because they are classic media whores who are devoid of any real ideology whatsoever except for their class interests and their desire to make a buck.

The media Jews are the worst Jews on Earth. They’re not even liberal! The media Jews are simply whores. That’s all they are. They have one interest and one interest only, and that is to sell more newspapers and magazines and to acquire more eyeballs and ears so they can sell more ads and make more money. The media Jews care about money and nothing else. I don’t think they even care about their own Jewish people. They would probably sell out the Jewish people themselves if they thought they could make a buck at it.

The capitalist will sell the hangman the very rope that the hangman uses to hang the capitalist.

– V. I. Lenin

(((Sumner Redstone))) a supposedly liberal media Jew, was quoted as saying that he wanted Trump to win because Trump was the best thing that had ever happened to the media business in a while. He said that a Trump presidency would be great for the media as they could make lots of money.

The media Jews literally have no ideology at all except to make money.

“Money is the jealous God of Israel…The religion of the Jews is the religion of hucksterism!”

– Karl Marx, The Jewish Question

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