Entertainment Magazine

The Young Adult Revolution Is Here! Self-Publishing Just Found Its Conscience.

By Rohan @rohanforsale

With Thousands of Self Published Ebooks Flooding The Market, Where Can Parents, Teens And Young Adults Turn For Quality Literature With Message and Meaning?

Young Adult Revolution #YARevolution

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Dublin, Ireland. April 21, 2013 – Lada Ray, author of the popular “Earth Shifter” series of Young Adult novels, this week announced the formation of the Young Adult Revolution or #YARevolution for short; a coalition of indie authors from across the globe dedicated to producing high quality fiction and non-fiction with healthy and positive subtext for young and developing minds.

“Already the digital shelves are full of senseless imitations and rehashed over and over again. Some books are just openly negative, violent or meaningless,” said Lada referring to the ease with which anyone can publish their writing on the like of Amazon, Barnes & Noble and the Apple iBook Store, and the ease with which young people can download and read them. She continues, “Typically, author organizations and promotional sites do not distinguish books for integrity, quality of message and positive energy. It is up to us, readers, writers, bloggers and reviewers to convey this information to each other.”

Gyaros The Mice Eat Iron
That doesn’t mean that Young Adult Revolution books don’t contain drama, conflict, sex and even violence as evidenced by the comments of Rohan Healy, Irish co-author of the “Gyaros” series of Science Fiction novels “Gyaros is full of horrid and gory situations, but there is a purpose to it. The violence is never for its own sake, it is a vehicle to deliver Miles Stanton’s story of survival on a moon prison colony. It’s about retaining our dignity and humanity amid incredible hardship!” Gyaros carries a rating of Young Adult 17+

Rory Mackay Eladria
Rory Mackay, author of the upcoming Science Fiction and Fantasy novel “Eladria” had this to say, “This is an amazing idea! I love it, and think it’s so needed because the advent of eBooks has seen an explosion in the amount of literature being pumped out there but it’s so rare for anything truly inspirational, thought provoking or consciousness-raising to break through.”

The #YARevolution movement continues to gain momentum as many conscientious indie authors are hearing Lada’s call and adding their work to the growing body of literature with message and meaning. Lada Ray urges you to the Young Adult Revolution when choosing your next read for yourself or your teen and know that you’ll be getting a high quality product with a conscience.

Lada Ray

Lada Ray

About Lada Ray: Lada Ray is a writer, feng shui master, world traveller, linguist, financial consultant, nature/animal lover and spirituality & metaphysics researcher. Born in Russia, she now imagines her stories in the bustling New York City and beautifully serene Upstate New York, where she lives with her family and calico cat. Lada’s blog: http://ladaray.wordpress.com/, The Earth Shifter: http://www.amazon.com/The-Earth-Shifter-ebook/dp/B00AVB0GVG/

About Rohan Healy: Rohan Healy, born in Australia in 1986 is an author, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, blogger and professional music producer. As of 2013 Rohan has released 10 solo albums as well as performing and recording with artists including David Virgin, Dan Rumour, Cat Power and Billy Bragg. Rohan has written and published a number of books including “Greeks to Geeks: Practical Stoicism in the 21st Century”, “The 7 Things That Made Me Genuinely & Irreversibly Happy: And How They Can Do The Same For You” and Sci Fi fiction novel Gyaros Book One – The Mice Eat Iron. Rohan’s Blog: http://rohan7things.wordpress.com/, Gyaros: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C69RU4M


Lada - Lada at LadaRay dot com

Rohan Healy – Beardfirepublishing at Hotmail dot com

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