Dating Magazine

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

By Polysingleish @PolySingleish

The Very Inspiring Blogger AwardHugs to Lifeofalovergirl for nominating me for the (creatively titled) “Very Inspiring Blogger Award”!

This is my second award, and I am very flattered to have been nominated by a blogger whose writing I enjoy so much.

Apparently I now have to share seven bits of personal trivia about me and then nominate some other blogs that I love, and that I think you should read.


Blogs first:

1. Consider The Tea Cosy

2. Threesomes and Variations

3. Polyhydra

4. Teetotal for Two

5. Exploits of Sarah James

Now for some interesting things about me:

- I have consumed almost no sugar for the entire month of March. It feels good!

- I was once diagnosed with a condition called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It’s only as I type that out here, in my blog, I realize a slight irony with the name of that condition. It’s a hormone related disorder, thought to be connected to insulin resistance. It means there’s a tendency in my body that, instead of ovulating fully, my ovaries can form nasty cysts. They used to be very painful. Thankfully most of the symptoms of this condition have cleared up, and I feel relatively healthy. But I do monitor my sugar intake (see point above!) to make sure I don’t slip back into it.

- I work pretty much seven days a week. I don’t talk on here about what exactly I do for work. Let’s just say I work at a few different places. Some of it is scheduled, and some of it is on-call. And no, it isn’t sex work or anything in that field! My on-call days I try to get myself out of the house and find somewhere comfy to sip a latte and start drafting out articles for here, journalling in my diary, and plotting world domination. Ok, maybe not that last one.

- I know how to play Magic The Gathering. Yes, for real. My ex husband taught me how to play. I used to be pretty good, though I haven’t kept up to date with the new sets. If we ever meet, please don’t ask me to play.

- I’m an artist. I play with acrylic, dabble in watercolor and have ventured into some experiments with mixed media. My artwork mainly hangs on my bedroom walls, and in the homes of my friends.

- Lindor and Ritters are my two favorite brands of chocolate. But if you ever buy them for me, you have to hold the box/bar and feed me pieces one by one. I have zero will power when in sight of chocolate. It is my achilles heel. Going this month without sugar, I have been thinking about chocolate a lot. I’m hoping someone sexy will magically appear just after midnight on April 1st and hand feed me a bar of chocolate. Or maybe melt it over my body. Or both.

- I watch Glee. It’s a morbid fascination. I thought the first few seasons were cool, but now? Gah, can they stop with the angst of “should I date this person or that person?” and just let some of the characters be poly (which if you ask me, a few blatantly are). It’s so infuriating. I now only keep watching in hopes this storyline might come to pass.

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