
The Ultimate List of Outdoor and Nature Holidays

Posted on the 17 January 2023 by Adventureites

Are you looking for a great excuse to skip work and head outside? Well, we have you covered with this exhaustive list of outdoor and nature holidays. No matter what you are interested in there is probably a holiday for it. So what are you waiting for? Find your favorite holiday on the list, get out, and start celebrating!

Note: We have updated this list for 2023. It is currently very USA oriented but we want to fix that soon. I’ll be updating this every year and adding as many international holidays as possible. So if you know of a holiday that isn’t on this list, even if it’s already passed, please leave a comment below. Our goal is to eventually include every holiday in the world that is outdoor or nature themed, or is normally celebrated outdoors.

AI Generated image of a group of people celebrating the outdoors

National Park Free Entrance Days

Every year the American National Park Service waives its entrance fees for a few Holidays and special anniversaries. The days for 2023 are listed below and you can learn more by visiting this National Park Service page.

  • January 16th: Martin Luther King Jr’s Birthday
  • April 22nd: First day of National Park Week
  • August 4th: Anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act
  • September 23rd: National Public Lands Day
  • November 11th: Veterans Day



AI Generated image of a group of people cleaning up the outdoors




AI Generated image of a group of people cleaning up the outdoors





AI Generated image of a group of people cleaning up the outdoors


  • October 1st: National Black Dog Day
  • October 1st: National Fire Pup Day
  • October 1st: National Green City Day
  • October 4th: National Walk to School Day
  • October 10th: National Walk to a Park Day
  • October 14th: World Migratory Bird Day
  • October 22nd: National Make a Dog’s Day
  • October 27th: National Black Cat Day
  • October 29th: National Cat Day
  • October 31st: Halloween



  • December 2nd: National Play Outside Day
  • December 2nd: National Mutt Day
  • December 11th: International Mountain Day
  • December 20th: Go Caroling Day
  • December 21st: Winter Solstice


There you have it, our ultimate list of outdoor and nature holidays. We knew that there were a lot of these holidays but the size of this list is still impressive. When we started I expected to find maybe half this many. We lost count of how many there are here but you shouldn’t have any trouble finding a few excuses a month to get outdoors. Of course, we can’t guarantee that your boss will let you off work for National Bison Day or National Find a Rainbow Day you might as well ask. What’s the worst that could happen?

Please leave a comment below letting us know which one is your favorite outdoor or nature themed holiday. I think that ours has to be Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbors’ Porch day. It’s so silly.

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