
The Truth About The Afterlife

Posted on the 07 April 2014 by Vall444
The Truth About The Afterlife

Acknowledge Your Divinity! Become a pure, pristine channel of divine light and love.

American Vernon Overy has been in touch with the 'other' world for years. During his communication with the residents of the astral world on his face there can suddenly appear a beard, a lot of hair, etc. thus assuming an external similarity to the invisible interlocutor. Sometimes there appear glasses on his face, earrings, his nose looks longer...
When he realized his ability Overy started doing sessions and demonstrations in various countries. According to him, the spirits use him to help the living by answering their questions.
The inhabitants of outer world possess invaluable knowledge and are willing to share it in our dreams. For example, Elias Howe dreamed about a needle hole and thus he got the idea of the sewing machine. Charles Boy he dreamed about a gas counter and Mendeleev -about the periodic table of chemical elements.
"Life does not end with death'', says Vernon Overy, ''It is just getting started. Our world is just a training ground for the transition to the real world, to our true purpose . People are in need of talented mediums through which they can connect with the afterlife and know the truth. And then they will decrease their fear from death. Thus they can safely step into their new afterlife."
The Truth About The Afterlife
In his book "The Medium," created by his "automatic writing", Overy tells us about a British pianist Jesse Shepard, born in 1843, who knew how to connect with the afterlife. He was a good musician, but when he learned how to communicate with the inhabitants of the outer world, he became a virtuoso performer. Liszt, Chopin, Mozart, Berlioz played through him. Thus he explained his surprising abilities. - Sometimes when the room was darkened during Shepherd's performance the audience noticed how the keys on the piano were pressed not by two, but by four hands.
"Everyone has spiritual leaders that lead us in our life. Maybe you do not know, but they are always with you",believes Overy.
According to him the most valuable piece of work of the medium is healing. In one of his books he talks about the family of William and George Brown of Georgia. They were ''ethereal'' surgeons. It has been known that each of us has an ethereal body along with our physical body. All the organs, nerves and tissues absolutely exactly repeat the physical, material body. But the ethereal shell can only be seen by the one that has the gift of being a medium.
"Ethereal surgeons' operate that body invisible to most of us. They see it as clearly as we all see the physical body. The main effect of the "terrestrial surgery" is that when an operation of the ethereal body is done, that intervention is perceived by the physical one as well and it has a healing effect on it too. The patient on the operating table is subject to a particular anesthesia, but he is still conscious. Then the ethereal body rises a few inches above the physical one and ''the ethereal surgeon" performs the necessary manipulations over it.
When asked if we should mourn over our dead relatives, Overy gives us the following answer: "When dying, we leave the our body worn out body and go to other areas of life. And we can always go back to our relatives and friends who are staying on earth, to see what they are doing or thinking. But we cannot communicate with those who grieve too much lamenting our death. When you cry for us, we also cry because we know that your grief is useless because we are alive and healthy, and your tears cause us suffering. Sooner or later you will surely meet us, never having to separate again.
Everything in our life is energy.
Our emotions and thoughts create our natural vibration.
Allow your Soul to shine through you thus creating the Life that you want and deserve.
The Truth About The Afterlife

''Giving love to all, 

feeling the love of God, 
seeing His presence in everyone . . . . 
that is the way to live in this world.''
- Paramahansa Yogananda

We were all born with a luminous body. This is our birthright, because in the Incan belief we are Children of the Sun..

runa kurku k'anchay =the luminous body 
We are all vibrating pulsing bodies of energy. It is only hucha, heavy energy, usually stemming from fear, that makes our luminous body dense. In this time, the time of the New Pachakuti, we are all being given the opportunity to shed our hucha and once again open our hearts and thus our true nature begins to shine. 
This is our duty as we are all people of the light. The ones who agree to bring the light to others.. 

Every morning as we greet the Sun, we commit to doing our best to let the negative drain away so that we may bring the light in and therefore give others permission to do the same. 

images due to LightworkerAct

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