Fashion Magazine

The Top 3 Uses for Fashiontech

By Attireclub @attireclub
The Top 3 Uses for FashiontechFashiontech is defined as the friendly collision between the world of clothes making and the world of high tech. The quick expansion of technology in society has also touched the world of garments making and has added many layers to the idea of clothing itself: from adding things like impact sensors on sports pieces to smart fabrics that measure one's sleep patterns and track his overall health state into a computer program.

The use of high tech in fashion is a growing trend that will definitely impact the world of tomorrow. Besides the many cool and fun uses fashion tech can have, there are several real issues that may be solvable through the use of technology innovations.

Traceability. The first use technology can have in fashion is one that many people search for, and that is traceability. Back in 1980s New York City, there were real dramas going on when women came for a small mending to a boutique with their Chanel bags they had received as gifts, only to find out that the bags they had worn were in fact fakes. Thus, with the help of a combination between "tracking codes"and official brand apps, people will be able to find out whether their Chanels are veritable. Moreover, such tracking methods can be used for those interested in who made the item and where the product was assembled. A strong focus can also be placed on jewelry, as many people refuse the idea of wearing accessories that were not ethically made.

The Top 3 Uses for Fashiontech

Lasting products. Even though this is a rather new endeavor, there are now clothes that are made from organic materials that can "stitch" themselves back when they tear up. Of course, this won't probably become mainstream, as we will still need new clothes from time to time, but it could turn out to be useful in other fields such as luggage.

The Top 3 Uses for Fashiontech
Health benefits. Technology is probably best put at work when it helps improve the quality of people's lives. In the autumn 2016 issue of IC X AC, we featured Anke Domaske's work at QMilk, who developed fabrics with healing properties for people with skin issues. Having a cream somehow "embedded" into the garments you put on might be something really powerful for all humankind.

From bio-sensible materials to high-tech apps incorporated in our garments, it seems we're quite close to a sci-fi world. Now, the main issues we are dealing with are making sure that these new technologies will be organically integrated in the wearer's life and they won't cause more disturbance and disruption than the good they bring along. Their safety and reliableness also needs to be placed under a big magnifying glass to make sure that the new fashion still serves the purposes of fashion: personal expression, coolness and attaining a great personal attitude.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

Further reading:

Fashion and technology in InCompany by Attire Club

P.S. We want to hear from you! What areas do you think should fahsiontech tackle? What do you think of these advancements? Which should be the one to become mainstream the first? Share your feedback, questions or thoughts in the comments below! For more articles on style, fashion tips and cultural insights, you can subscribe to Attire Club via e-mail or follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

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