Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Sweetest Way to Healthy Living

By Shreoshe

Healthy living is absolutely necessary in today’s fast-moving world. There is huge competition everywhere and if you are not fit, you just cannot compete with the world. The key mantra to healthy living is a healthy diet. If you want to live healthy, you must start eating healthy. Eating healthy not only gives you a healthy body but also a healthy mind.

Whenever we hear about eating healthy, the only thing that comes to most of our mind is tasteless and boring green salads, but trust me, you can eat most of the things you love even when you are on a diet  just by checking on your intake portions and the ingredients you are using to prepare your meals. You need to understand when and how to replace the harmful ingredients that goes into making your meal with the healthier and safer alternatives.


One should never think of trying crash diets that are easily found on internet and claims to make you slim in a week or two.  There is no shortcut to weight loss. Crash diets are always harmful and starving your body in the name of dieting is a big no-no. Crash diets prevents your body to take up sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and carbohydrates required to keep your body working efficiently and thus they prove to be fatal many times.

Being born and brought up in a Bengali family, I cannot imagine a day of my life without having “mishti (sweet)” , be it a dessert or the mishti itself. Whenever I have tried to get into a healthy diet, this mishti  have ruined it all! After many failed attempts of controlling my weight and cutting down the sugar intake, one day, a family friend came to my rescue. She told me to replace sugar with Dabur honey. The thought of replacing sugar with honey never came to my mind before and naturally the idea was a great rescue for me.


So, I finally started my honey diet from last week. Honey is considered as one of the healthiest food worldwide and gives multiple benefits. Honey helps in weight management, a glass of lukewarm water with honey is a great way to detoxify and shed your weight. Prepare your favorite dessert with Dabur honey instead of sugar because it has lesser calories and is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will give nourishment to your body and keeps you healthy. Honey is also rich in carbohydrates and gives you energy to work all day long. For people with digestive problems, honey helps in easy digestion. its medicinal properties includes protection from cough and cold. Last but not the least, regular consumption of honey helps in imparting a glowing skin and don’t we love when our skin glows? Honey doesn’t only make you beautiful from inside but also from outside.

Have you tried the honey diet yet? Do you believe that honey is the best alternative to sugar?

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