Lifestyle Magazine

The Shortened NHL Season Survival Guide!

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

NHL Lockout Over! via ESPN.comWith the news that the NHL and NHLPA have reached a tentative agreement on a 10 year CBA it’s time to start thinking about the fact that we might actually have hockey this season and a Stanley Cup winner in 2013.

So, it’s time today to move past the Lockout Survival Guides and move onto the Shortened NHL Season Survival Guide.

Prepare Yourself Emotionally:
After 113 days of lockout we’re all a little rusty in our NHL fandom. We haven’t cheered after big wins or wept after heartbreaking shootout losses. In the next week or so take the time to get ready for the emotions that will come flooding back when your team hits the ice in real game action. I would recommend watching old game tapes, reliving past glory and defeat, remembering what it’s like to be in the game. Not being ready for the ups and downs of even a shortened season will leave you vulnerable to emotional overload. Get prepared.

Get Your Gear Together:
I know that a lot of fans have refrained from wearing their t-shirts, hats, hoodies, lucky team socks, jerseys and other paraphernalia during the lockout. But now, if you’re so inclined to return as a full fledged fan of NHL puck, it’s time to dust off that gear and get ready to rock it.

Note: If you’re looking at celebrating the end of the lockout by purchasing a new jersey from your favorite team, keep the upcoming buyouts in mind! For instance, I would not recommend buying a Canadiens’ Scott Gomez or a Maple Leafs’ Mike Komisarek.

Personally, as hard as the lockout has been to endure and stay positive through, I can’t wait to see people in their NHL team gear.

Recognize That Your Diet Will Be Smashed:
I know we just started a new year and many of us have resolved to eat healthier and lay off of the fried foods and beer that we love so much. And not having hockey probably would have helped that. However, it’s back and that means games on the big screen with draft beer and chicken wings and nachos and cheeseburgers and french fries. Maybe we should all stick to more wraps and chicken breasts and veggies – but come on man, we all know that’s not going to happen. We all better start scheduling in an extra jog every week.

Get Ready For A Sprint:
Often we talk about the long regular seasons of sports like hockey and baseball and basketball as a marathon and not a sprint. But that’s when we’re talking about a full season worth of games over a full season’s calendar. That’s not what we’re getting from the 2013 NHL season. In all likelihood we will be looking at a 48 game season that will lead into a regular play-off format. That shortened season does not allow for a lot of growing pains or low energy periods or terrible road trips. It also doesn’t allow for fans to not be into the games or to say things like “that game doesn’t matter anyway” or “we’ll get ‘em next time”. And think about how HUGE divisional games are going to be in this shortened season. It’s going to be an Olympic sprint!

Love The Game:
I know that we’ve all been disillusioned by the lockout and the actions of both the NHL and the NHLPA, but there’s one thing that we also have in common: We Love NHL Hockey. So be angry, be hurt, be skeptical, but remember that you love the game and you love your team. And now they’re coming back. You don’t have to forget, but think about forgiving because in the end, this is what we wanted. NHL hockey back before this season got cancelled.

As Gary Bettman said, “We’ve got to dot a lot of i’s and cross a lot of t’s. There’s still a lot of work to be done but the basic framework of the deal has been agreed upon.” – I believe that the work will get done and the NHL hockey season is on the way!

Get Ready!

Full NHL Arena
Go Habs Go - 2013

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