Animals & Wildlife Magazine

The Scurge of Restaurants Or What Freaks You Out?

By Probestpest @ProBestPest


The scurge of restaurants or what freaks you out?

They sneak into kitchens, homes or restaurants in a variety of ways. They might make their way in by hitching a ride in a box or in paper products. Once in they multiply quick, reproducing and making that nightmare a top priorty to handle. In my opinion don’t waste your time using bug bombs, call in a Pest Management Professional. They have the tools to adequently handle and solve the issue.

I love this photo for a couple of reasons:

  • The wire rack was up against the wall and the roaches were hiding behind it (thigmotropic) roaches like to have the top and bottom of their bodies resting against crevice or box – makes them feel safe.
  • Notice the fecal spotting (the females poop and the babies are drawn to this area by pheromones).
  • Roaches will hide just about anywhere.


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