Debate Magazine

The Republicans Are Hopeless

By Eowyn @DrEowyn


Unless you got swept out to sea by Colin over the weekend, you are probably keenly aware of the latest dust-up involving certain comments Donald Trump made concerning the “judge” that is overseeing the now famous Trump U case.

Gutless RINOs have been falling out of the rafters ever since, condemning Trump for his “inexcusable” and even “racist” statements questioning the objectivity of U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

Now that more information is beginning to surface concerning Judge Curiel and his questionable personal and professional associations, those that have jumped on the Slam Trump bandwagon without so much as looking first are beginning to appear not a little silly.

In fact, they are looking down right stupid.

Trump has every right to raise the issue concerning this judge’s fairness. If I were him, I would have done exactly the same thing. And no, I would not have sugar-coated it, either, as I have heard many talking heads suggest that Trump should have done exactly that.

No, he should not have tempered his comments, and I am very glad that he did not.

I have been hearing a lot of commentators suggesting that Trump needs to “tone it down” now that he is the republican nominee apparent.

My question is why? Being Trump is what has gotten him this far. Why screw with the formula now?

Sadly, it appears the affliction known as Political Correctness has infected all areas of American life, even in people that you would think should know better.

Erick Erickson, who is definitely not a Trump supporter, is falling all over himself ripping the man, and has taken to pronouncing from his WSB studio here in Atlanta that Trump is going to destroy the Republican Party.

Personally, I hope Trump burns the whole corrupt RINO zoo to the ground.

Then I hope he bombs the ashes – just to be sure.


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