Creativity Magazine

The Reporter and The Girl MINUS the Super Man by S.C. Rhyne ~ Character Interview ~ #ASMSG #IRMC

By Reporterandgirl @reporterandgirl

The Reporter and The Girl MINUS the Super Man by S.C. Rhyne ~ Character Interview ~ #ASMSG #IRMCTheGirl:

An interview with the main character, Sabrien Collins. #ReporterandTheGirl

The Reporter and The Girl MINUS the Super Man by S.C. Rhyne ~ Character Interview ~ #ASMSG #IRMCOriginally posted on L. V. Lewis:

frontcover-final-copyThe internet is truly a wonderful place to connect with people hundreds of miles away from you who share similar passions. Since my debut as an indie author more than a year ago now, I’ve met scores of other authors, many of whom I have grown to love and admire. I connected with S.C. Rhyne via my blog and was immediately intrigued by the book she was penning, which she has released in paperback only on Amazon. Ereader users will need to go to Smashwords to snag a copy. However, I can’t say enough how unique her building of this story has been, and the graphics alone on her blog are enough to get you intrigued and keep you there until you can’t wait to fully engage with the book.

To do something a little different for my blog, I decided to interview one of S.C. Rhyne’s characters. So, without…

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