Travel Magazine

The Queen of Awadh- Begum Hazrat Mahal

By Vikasacharya

लखनऊ में '1857 की क्रांति' का नेतृत्व बेगम हज़रत महल ने किया था। अपने नाबालिग पुत्र बिरजिस कादर को गद्दी पर बिठाकर उन्होंने अंग्रेज़ी सेना का स्वयं मुक़ाबला किया।

Begum Hazrat Mahal, also known as the 'Begum of Awadh', was one of the earliest female staunch freedom fighter during the First Indian War of Independence. She was the first wife of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah and possessed the courage and leadership to rebel against the British East India Company during the Indian Rebellion of 1857. The Indian War was one of the most significant colonial wars of the nineteenth century because it brought India, which had been ruled by agents of the British East India Company, directly under the control of the British Crown. It also united Hindus and Muslims in ways that would never happen again. This led directly to the Indian independence movement and the creation of the modern nations of India and Pakistan. Hazrat Mahal was the only major leader never to surrender to the British, and she maintained her opposition through twenty years of exile in Nepal until her death in 1879. After the British annexed their territory and the King of Awadh, Nawab Wajid Ali Shah was sent away in exile to Calcutta, she took the responsibility of managing the affairs of the state in her own hands. Later, in association with the revolutionary forces, she seized control of Lucknow and declared her son as the new King of Awadh. She played a pivotal role in the first war of Indian independence and fought the British forces along with other revolutionaries. But the British troops attacked Awadh again and after a long siege were able to re-capture it, forcing her to retreat. She refused to accept any kind of favors and allowances offered by the British rulers. Begum was not only a strategist but also fought in the battlefield. She had rejected the offer to accept a pension of Rs 12 lakh by British. When her forces lost ground, she fled Oudh and tried to organize soldiers again in other places. She spent sometime in Terai also and ultimately had to leave for Nepal where despite demands of British government asking for her handover to face trial, she was allowed to live in the Himalayan kingdom where she died in 1879.

लखनऊ की तवायफ हैदरीबाई के यहाँ तमाम अंग्रेज़ अफ़सर आते थे और कई बार क्रांतिकारियों के ख़िलाफ़ योजनाओं पर बात किया करते थे। हैदरीबाई ने पेशे से परे अपनी देशभक्ति का परिचय देते हुये इन महत्त्वपूर्ण सूचनाओं को क्रांतिकारियों तक पहुँचाया और बाद में वह भी रहीमी के सैनिक दल में शामिल हो गयी।

The Queen of Awadh- Begum Hazrat Mahal

Published by Vikas Acharya

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