Society Magazine

The Prayer Machinery of Heaven #3

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (James 5:16).
Those blessings are sweetest that are won with prayers and won with thanks.
—Thomas Goodwin
I'm convinced also that the sweetness increases when it's a prayer request granted for another person.
Prayer straddles our lives both on earth and in heaven. All week I'm focusing on prayer. It’s important. I need to do better in my life, and I can’t imagine a Christian who doesn’t think they can do better at prayer either.
Last weekend, I was thinking of one of Spurgeon’s sermons, called God’s Providence. (#3114). Spurgeon likened the cherubim’s acts near the throne and the wheels within wheels as described by Ezekiel as machinery of Providence. He described, hypothetically of course, the wheels going up and down and left and right in tandem as the machinery of Providence carrying out God’s will and decrees. It’s an interesting thought, and Spurgeon is vivid about his descriptions.
This series of 'prayer machinery of heaven' is inspired by that thought.
Please enjoy this scripture photo I made of the machinery of prayer. Under that will be some further resources on prayer suggestions. Monday I suggested praying for the persecuted and missionaries around the world, with some resources to check out along those lines. Tuesday I suggested praying for our elders (pastors, deacons, teachers, etc), again, with resources. Today's let's let's pray for each other.
The Prayer Machinery of Heaven #3
Further Reading/Resources
Spurgeon quotes on Prayer
Sermon: Elements of True Prayer
Ligonier: Essay by Don Whitney, Praying for One Another
GotQuestions: What is Intercessory Prayer?

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