Hair & Beauty Magazine

The Pinkroom Int’ll Nail Academy [PRINA] Appreciation Party 2014

By Ireviewuread

About a month ago, I was invited to The Pinkroom Int’ll Nail Academy [PRINA], Pink Your Nails, Color Their World Appreciation Party.

What is Pink Your Nails, Color Their World?  

Held from 10 June - 16 June 2014, Pink Your Nails, Color Their World is a charity event where The Pinkroom team give your nails an Instant Gel Manicure for SGD$24. This amount will then be donated to World Vision, an organisation which help protect the kids in developing countries from being exploited. 

You can read more about the event Here

As seen from the dates, this charity event has successfully completed. Thus, you can check out how it went on The Pink Room’s blog here: Part 1 ; Part 2. You can also check out the photos on their Facebook page Here

With all those hard work done by all means, it’s time to party!




Upon arrival, we are greeted with a spread of pink dessert. From cupcakes to marshmallow to pink fruit punch. 



Taken from PRINA’s Facebook

Oh, and not forgetting the range of Nonya Kuehs offered.



After all the attendees have arrived and consumed their fair share of sweets, the principal of The Pinkroom Int’ll Nail Academy [PRINA], Rachel Tang and Fiona from World Vision Singapore gives a speech and give a rundown on what happened during Pink your Room, Color Your World.


Taken from PRINA’s Facebook page 

Thereafter, they present to us a video of what happened during the event.

Boy, were the students excited when the video was shown!  


Taken from PRINA’s Facebook page 

Subsequently, on behalf of Pinkroom’s team, Rachel present to World Vision a check of the total earnings earned from the campaign. 

and it’s groupie time!


Taken from PRINA’s Facebook page 


Taken from PRINA’s blog 

Since we are here, you can check out my #OOTD of that day above.


Taken from PRINA’s Facbook page 

As, we were taking groupies, pizza arrive!


Time for our next segment, a short tutorial on how to do this simple gelish:



  1. Splatter
  2. Mix
  3. Paint white over
  4. Erase the appropriate shape 
  5. Touch up 

and you are done! 


Before I end off, here’s a collage on the student’s nail art which they did for their examination. 

If you like to see more photos on what happened during the Appreciation Party, you check out the photos Here.

If you like to read more on what is The Pinkroom Int’ll Nail Academy [PRINA] , you can read my previous post Here.


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