Books Magazine

The Oath: Maddy and Silenus by Susan Badaracco

By Lauriej
The Oath: Maddy and Silenus  by Susan Badaracco

AUTHOR INTERVIEWWith Susan BadaraccoBook: The Oath: Maddy and Silenus
Welcome!  Thanks so much for this opportunity to find out a little about you and your work.  Where do you dream of traveling to and why?I would love to go back to Italy because they know how to grow tomatoes and make the best sauces in the world. For writing, however, I want to revisit places around me. I don’t want to rely on the exotic to excite me to write. I want to discover unknown facts or curious details about local towns, to take readers on a surprise tour of their own city. Has someone helped or mentored you in your writing career?My editor, Deborah Halverson, has been my coach, teacher and counselor. Beyond her job description! Google her, she has two websites: and is the hardest part of writing your books?Learning to write so that the reader can see the sun’s reflection on a dew drop of a falling leaf…while remember to take into account the whole forest behind me. It’s easy to sink into the details of a great description but if you forget the story, don’t create momentum and excitement…you just have a pretty drop of water.
Does your significant other read your stuff?I forced my poor husband to endure reading the first book. Unicorns and emotional angst are not his usual reading material so I am quite proud of him for being such a good sport. I have not asked him to read anything further as I don’t want to take advantage of the guy. And I want to stay married.

Do you have critique partners or beta readers?Yes, but always looking for more. It turns out that these are a special breed. They mostly react with their ‘gut’ and tell me when something doesn’t work. LOVE that. What was one of the most surprising things you learned while writing your books?Dodie Smith (I Capture the Castle) wrote in her book, ‘You lose yourself in something beyond yourself and it’s a lovely rest.” Writing has served as a beautiful escape from the sometimes harsh realities of life. What do you think makes a good story?Two things. First, the ability to evoke emotion in a reader. To make a reader afraid to turn out the lights, cry over a a character’s death, bubble up with happiness over a pleasant turn in the story. Secondly, to have scenes from the book planted in their head so that tomorrow or next year, they can still see the  details of the unfolding dramas.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a doctor since I was in elementary school. I liked looking into microscopes and seeing the structure of skin cells, learning to take a blood pressure, applying antiseptic to a skinned knee. The reality is so much better. Watching a newborn open their eyes and purse their lips around a pacifier. Reassuring a frightened parent about an innocent rash. Helping a child through a serious illness. I’ve been practicing as a pediatrician for many years now, it’s a true blessing.
What are your favorite TV shows?I finally had a chance to see all 156 episodes of “West Wing”. The weaving of the plots, the storylines-wonderful. Mostly, I appreciated that while you didn’t always get a happy ending, the main characters were portrayed as honorable and service-minded. Someone you admire and look up to…we need more of these people in real life, right?Do you have any suggestions for beginning writers? If so, what are they? Give yourself permission to write badly. It was advice I read and it’s unavoidable so best to accept it early! Making mistakes teaches you to be a better writer and trying too hard to not make mistakes hampers your creativity.

ABOUT THE BOOKThe Oath: Maddy and Silenusby Susan Badaracco

The Oath: Maddy and Silenus  by Susan Badaracco

GENRE:   fantasy adventure

When her past merges with her present, Maddy is not sure what to think. Was that really an abduction she witnessed? Does she have the courage to find out?
Silenus is a unicorn haunted by his past failure to protect his charge. He trains relentlessly but is he fierce enough to protect this innocent? Will she even trust him?
Can a mortal and immortal pursue the truth together or will Maddy pay the ultimate price?

Book Buying Link:
The book will be FREE during the tour.
Mr. Sheldon turned slowly, releasing Allison from his grip. “Excuse me,” he said softly, ominously, “what did you say?”
Maddy looked up, caught his menacing glare a moment before his face relaxed back into a more benign expression. Slowly, deliberately, he strolled back to the center of the room, placed his hands on his hips and tilted his head in mock confusion. Maddy’s grip tightened on her notebook until her knuckles whitened. Her stomach rolled, churned.
It was as if all noise was sucked out of the room, as if all the surrounding white walls absorbed every acoustic and left the room as bereft of noise as it was of color. She opened her mouth to answer but snapped it shut again under his intense scrutiny. He nodded to himself and pressed his lips together in irritation.
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
The Oath: Maddy and Silenus  by Susan Badaracco
Susan Badaracco is the author and independent publisher of “The Oath: Maddy and Silenus”. In her real life, she is a pediatrician at Kids First Pediatrics where she routinely consoles anxious moms, retrieves interesting objects hidden in ears and laughs at made up knock-knock jokes.She lives with her husband, a dog (ADHD is not limited to humans) and a cat. Her daughter and son both made the unfortunate decision to grow up which means she travels more than she used to.
Susan Badaracco Author Information
Book Buying Link:
NOTE: The book will be FREE during the tour.
Susan Badaracco will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
The Oath: Maddy and Silenus  by Susan Badaracco

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