Career Magazine

The No1 Guide for Travel!

Posted on the 02 November 2019 by Dubai City Company @iqdubaicity

Is it worth renting a car on site when going on vacation?

Renting a car at the place of holiday departure is a solution especially recommended in situations when we decided to visit an area where public transport is poorly developed, or extremely expensive.
Another argument in favor of making such a decision is the vast area where interesting tourist facilities are located, but located at a great distance from each other. Renting a car for the duration of your stay undoubtedly contributes to a sense of greater independence and thus greater comfort. In this way, we gain the ability to access many places, in addition without specific time limits. The solution is especially recommended for those who like to move around during rest and are in favor of spending free time actively.
It is particularly profitable to book the car well before leaving. In the season, rental prices may not only be much higher, but it may also turn out that the cars we are interested in (e.g. family cars) have already been booked / rented. Of course, before making the final decision, you should carefully analyze the offer of the company whose services we are interested in. Practice shows that it is better to choose recognized and proven companies.

Which Asian countries can surprise us and what?

It is said that Europe and Asia are not only two different continents, but in many respects also two completely separate worlds. I must admit that there is a lot of truth in this statement - after all, they differ not only in history and architecture, but also in culture, customs, and drinks and dishes.
For example, a European residing in Japan or South Korea may be really surprised by their negative reaction to the desire to leave a tip in a restaurant. In Europe, this is proof of recognition for good food and friendly service, while in these countries a real insult. The Japanese and Koreans see work as a matter of pride and believe that they receive decent payment for it. A considerable reason for surprise may also be the view found upon arrival in Thailand, where on the streets - both on the main and in the side streets - one can come across monuments of deities whom the Thai people worship in a specific way. Well, they do it by offering them food, drink or clothing. The sight of things left by the statues has certainly puzzled many a tourist.
When visiting Asian countries, one should also focus on a number of culinary attractions. For example, China can surprise - and even frighten - in this respect with a dish based on canine meat, turtle soup, or fermented fish.

Bargaining as a custom and attraction in countries inhabited by Turks

The Turks are a fascinating nation with their own habits, which for us - Europeans - often turn out to be very surprising. Therefore, before going on a trip to the local areas, it is worth seeking knowledge about culture, so that Turkish habits are not only a cause for surprise, but also constitute a significant attraction of the whole trip. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that this is a very friendly nation that willingly makes friends with visitors.
One of the specific Turkish customs is bargaining, which is allowed and practiced especially where the price does not appear on the goods. The Turks just like to do it - bargaining is a kind of entertainment for them. Therefore, they are unlikely to be satisfied with the situation in which they sell the product for the first proposed amount. Importantly, Turkish bargaining is never rushed. Not only that, tourists are even recommended to take advantage of the invitation for coffee or tea and chat with the seller, and only then go to the right interests. We should also remember that it is not proper - as I think in every country - to bargain for things that are characterized by an extremely low price.
Despite the original habits, however, the Turks are rarely intrusive, hence - in most cases - a polite but firm refusal turns out to be sufficient.

Why should you spend your holidays in Malta?

There are many reasons why you should include Malta in your vacation plans.

First of all, it is a country belonging to the European Union, which greatly facilitates travel. All you need is an ID card and you can get to Malta directly from Poland. A ticket costs several hundred zlotys in high season, much less in low season. In addition, in this country we can freely communicate in English, which also greatly facilitates communication. The currency is the euro.

However, these are not the most important reasons why you should consider a vacation in this country. Well, Malta is a place where influences of many cultures intersect - from Phoenician and Roman, to Arabic, Italian or British influences. Interestingly, the first settlers came here from Sicily probably over 5,000. years BC and left behind megalithic temple complexes, the ruins of which can be admired to this day. The influence of other modern cultures is also visible - for example in the capital of the country, Valetta, in which there are over 320 monuments, or on the two most important islands of the archipelago, namely Malta and Gozo.

Also, let's not forget about the natural conditions of the archipelago. There are many perfectly preserved beaches in Malta, which, combined with a hot climate, is a great choice for lovers of sunbathing. We should also remember about natural attractions, such as picturesque cliffs, caves and caves scattered throughout the coast. Blue Grotto, Azure Window, Blue Lagoon and sea lakes are known to all lovers of Maltese landscapes.

In addition, Malta is becoming an increasingly frequent holiday destination, although it is far from true Mediterranean tycoons. Thanks to this, we are unlikely to see too many tourists here, especially out of season, although the tourist infrastructure is already very well developed. This is reflected, for example, in an increasing number of good quality nightclubs or even the organization of the "Isle of MTV" festival. It is also worth mentioning that Malta's limited popularity as a vacation destination means that its inhabitants are still very positive about tourists.

After all, Malta's biggest attraction are the magnificent monuments. You will read about them in our separate text on this issue.

How can Morocco enchant tourists?

Morocco is a real paradise for tourists - especially European ones - eager for unusual views and exotic adventures. This country is called the treasure of North Africa and for good reason, because the local original culture and unique landscapes can charm every visitor, make people want to come back here.
It is worth noting that a specific showcase of Morocco, and thus a must-see point of travel is the city of Marrakech, which is famous for its extremely charming old town, powerful mosques, and is also a base for those who go on mountain trek. As for the latter, it is worth noting that near Morocco there are mysterious mountains, whose highest peak is the High Atlas, which is over 4000 meters above sea level.
In addition to Marrakech, it's also worth visiting Agadir, a city abounding in beautiful, sunny beaches, as well as marinas and seaside boulevards. It is a great proposition for those tourists who are hungry for blissful rest.
Undoubtedly, the largest city of Morocco, Casablanca, also deserves attention, known primarily from the famous film of the same title in which Humphrey Bogart himself appeared. Importantly, the city is the main center of culture and industry in this country.

What are the most beautiful monuments in Malta?

Identifying several monuments that are worth paying special attention to in Malta is quite a breakneck task. Suffice it to mention that Valetta, the capital of Malta, is called one of the largest museums for candles. It has over 300 monuments, with the Palace of the Grand Masters, Casa Rocca Piccola and the Cathedral of St. John.

The Palace of the Grand Masters was originally the seat of the Grand Master of the Order of Hospitallers Saint John. Currently, it houses the Maltese House of Representatives and the President of the Republic of Malta. If no parliamentary session is held, the building is open to visitors. It's worth to see even a very large collection of armor and melee weapons. In turn, Casa Rocca Piccola is a charming palace where we can find a collection of Maltese and European art. In the baroque concatern of St. John, we will admire richly decorated chapels, perfectly preserved frescoes and gilding, as well as one of the most famous paintings by Caravaggio - Beheading of St. John.

Like in Valetta, we will feel in Mdina. This medieval city is the former capital of Malta. Very charming, practically car-free, by some guides (and tourists) it is treated as a large museum in the open air. In Mdina we will find a lot of narrow streets and magnificent, classic buildings, thanks to which wandering this city will be an extraordinary experience for every lover of calm, subdued architecture. From places particularly worth seeing in Mdina, the Cathedral of St. Paul.

Writing about Malta it is necessary to mention prehistoric monuments. In the Hypogeum Hal-Saflieni, whose original purpose is still not known to this day (it was certainly a sanctuary and later a cemetery), we can still see prehistoric paintings or old rooms. The temple complexes of Mnajdra and Ggantija still make a very big impression, at least because until recently they were considered the oldest free-standing buildings in the world.

In addition, in Malta we will see numerous centuries-old forts or military observation towers, which to this day impress with their momentum and excellent condition. This is also noteworthy because during World War II, the combined Italian and German forces carried out around 3,000. air raids on Malta, which was then a British colony. This was mainly due to the strategic location of the archipelago, from which the British could destroy the supply lines of the Axis during the North African campaign.

Of course, these are not all the Maltese monuments that are worth exploring, but we think that at the beginning it is worth starting with them.

Guide Travel!

What to see in Prague?

The Czech capital - Prague - is a really beautiful city. Although it is near our borders, but many people have already visited further corners of Europe, leaving this for another date, because it is close. We encourage you to go on your next vacation or a long weekend to Prague!
The must-see item of the program will certainly be the Old Town. You must see the beautiful Market Square. Two soaring spiers of the Tyński church tower over it. Its western part is occupied by the Old Town Hall. We will go to the Prague Castle by the majestic Charles Bridge, which is over 500 meters long and almost 10 meters wide. The Jewish quarter is also a pearl.
You must not forget about the Hradčany. This "royal" district is located on the west, high bank of the Vltava. We can admire the royal castle complex, the basilica of St. George, the royal gardens with Belvedere, the famous Golden Lane and the magnificent Cathedral of St. Wit.
Its charm will undoubtedly attract tourists to Malá Strana. It is a district of beautiful palaces and gardens, narrow streets and alleys among magnificent tenements and churches.
Even after this dose of sightseeing, we still have many places to see, such as the National Museum, the Krizikova Fountain and the TV Tower.

What to know before travelling to India?

India is a huge country in Asia with a population exceeding 1.2 billion people. The capital is New Delhi. It is a country with specific customs and it is worth to respect them if we want to spend a quiet, attractive holiday.
It may be a surprise, for example, that at some bus stations, men and women separately set up at the ticket office. In the restaurant, it is worth warning the waiter that we do not want hot spices for a meal, otherwise the dish may be difficult for a European to eat. Anyway, Indian cuisine is not homogeneous. In the south, mainly vegetarian dishes are consumed, as well as large amounts of rice and curry. In the north, flour pastries and meat dishes are popular. Important note - there is a ban on eating beef, because cows are considered sacred animals. Drinks are also interesting - "masala chai" tea is very popular. In the south of India, on the other hand, drink lassi - a refreshing drink prepared from yogurt, milk and rose water with the addition of cardamom or cumin.
Another important point is the ban on photographing in places of religious worship, also Hindu women and holy old men are unlikely to allow themselves to be photographed. In contrast, children and older women usually agree to take a photo, but rather for a small fee. Before taking a picture of someone else you need to set a price ...

When to go to exotic countries to avoid the heat?

In Europe, we have already got used to a specific climate in specific regions. Even climate change did not bring dramatic differences. However, we must be careful when going on more exotic trips. We must not forget that there is a completely different climate in the other hemisphere, which is governed by its own laws.
Already in Egyptian Abu Simbel there is even a dozen degrees of difference compared to Alexandria. There, from June to September, we will last very short and only in the morning. In Brazil, the further south, the better to explore around our summer. The most dangerous trip may be to different parts of Asia, which are very popular. In Thailand, from March to June, there is hot weather, which makes life difficult for tourists. It is similar in Cambodia. In the period May - September, we do not plan holidays in the Arab Emirates, unless a business trip in air-conditioned rooms. We can also expect harsh temperatures during this period in Vietnam.
The most important thing is to check the weather in a specific area before planning your vacation. Even within one vast country, the climate can vary significantly. Remember that not only hot weather can hinder your vacation - the amount of rainfall is also important. Even in India, the turn of April and May passes under the sign of very heavy monsoon rainfall.

What is a last-minute trip?

The last minute trip is a full-fledged travel agency offer, which is associated with a lower cost due to the quick departure date. The catalog of presented offers is not as rich as offers at standard prices, but without a doubt, they relieve wallets by up to 50% of the fixed price.

What is the Last Minute offer?

Last minute, that is at the last minute, or at the last minute are offers that have dominated the Western markets for many years. In Poland, they appeared along with the increase in competitiveness among newly emerging travel agencies. The announcement of last minute offers begins at the moment when the planned date of departure is approaching and the places in hotels or at the carriers are not completely filled. It is a chance to get cheap air tickets and even a few weeks of vacation for almost a week!

Where to find Last Minute?

Travel agencies constantly outdo one another in advertising last minute offers. The easiest way to search them via the internet. Many of the companies offer newsletter services, which send us every new promotion by email. Directly, in the offices of travel agencies, it is also possible to view catalogs and other offers that have not been made public on the web.

When to go to Last Minute?

Last minute departure dates depend only on travel agencies. It is not impossible, but certainly more difficult, to find an offer of this type during long weekends, during the New Year or Christmas. Holidays are a real paradise for vacationers who want to take advantage of the Last minute promotion.

How to prepare for an exotic journey?

Preparing for an exotic journey is not easy, but doing it honestly will protect us from all kinds of danger.
When choosing the exoticness of a given country as the main criterion, we should be aware of the diversity and difference that will be waiting on the spot.
Following our finger on the map, we think about the climate. Thanks to insight, we can avoid the monsoon period, or the dry season, which can be a ruin for vacation for untrained tourists. A different climate is also a different fauna and flora. Let's think about whether in the area we like there are no threats to life - just in case you should get vaccinated. Most tropical countries will not enter their territory without valid vaccinations.

Crossing national borders is another aspect that we should consider when planning an exotic journey. The basis is visas, very often made only at consulates (without the possibility of making them on the spot), or at the very border, where obtaining them is a matter of the guard's grace.

Arriving in an exotic country, we should learn a few principles of local savoir vivre 'which will not only facilitate contact with the local population, but also protect against making mistakes for which we could pay dearly. It is better to get acquainted with illegal items on the consulate's website, thanks to which we will keep cash in your pocket.

Guide Travel!

Why choose a vacation organized by a travel agency?

Choosing a travel agency is primarily saved time - we do not have to focus on any aspect of vacation planning, except for choosing a place and the right conditions for us. Organized travel agencies will create a vision step by step and will make every effort to implement our dream vacation.
Safety first. The agencies monitor the news from the world on an ongoing basis, which guarantees a safe holiday, and not getting involved in, for example, the conflict of local people.

The travel agency is responsible for accommodation in appropriate conditions, as well as for providing food. Usually a resident is registered on site who, in the event of problems, acts as an intermediary for our interests. This is an invaluable help while having a language barrier.

Many years of experience allows offices to verify the level of attractiveness of individual places and tailor sightseeing offers to the needs of participants. Before departure, each participant gets a folder with planned routes and does not have to worry about the pilot or the substantive level of the trip. If the trip is a holiday trip, the travel agency provides an animator who will ensure a good time at the seaside or swimming pool.

A travel agency is also a great solution if we have a problem with transport, it is usually the most financially advantageous offer.

When to start organizing your vacation?

The holiday period is a favorite part of the year for all of us. Waiting until it arrives becomes almost impossible, and ending causes nostalgia for beautifully spent time. To make your vacation run smoothly, just follow a few rules.

Choosing a place

When choosing a place to rest, let's follow only your preferences - this bit of selfishness will avoid the example of a situation where enthusiasts of mountain trips will spend time at the hotel pool.

The criterion defining the time of preparation for departure is the place itself. By choosing to exotic lands let's check when the tourist season is, what are the weather forecasts, whether entry visas are in force and whether there will be any danger on the spot.

Prior planning

There are many factors to consider when going on holiday abroad. The basis is a passport and a tourist visa for some countries. The waiting time for documents is about 30 days.

Vaccination will be mandatory for places where there is a risk of infection. This is not just a matter of your security - these documents will be checked at the border by customs officers. 4 to 8 weeks before departure, report to the vaccination point so that the doctor can provide you with current information about the vaccinations in force.

During the holidays in Poland, which are not organized by the travel agency, remember to obtain information in advance about the dates and price of any rented items. It's best to contact these matters before opening the holiday season.

Thanks to travel agencies, personal organization of holidays is reduced to packing suitcases. Don't underestimate this - it also requires at least a week's preparation.

What to see in Budapest

The tourist offer of Budapest looks extremely impressive, so every type of sightseeing will meet our expectations. To get to know the secrets of this city, you don't necessarily have to take part in an organized trip - we will find much joy in discovering the capital of the Madziarów on our own.

Undoubtedly, it is worth going to the Castle Hill - in the monumental Castle, created in the Middle Ages, it is housed in the National Gallery, in the southern wing - Budapest History Museum, in the western - National Library. Széchény, and in the northernmost - Museum of Contemporary History. In the whole complex you can not miss St. Of the Trinity and Matthias Church, and as part of the panorama view of the Pest side of the Danube, Gellert Hill and the island of St. Margaret you should go to the nearby Fisherman's Tower.

The building of Parliament, which was created after the unification of three cities into one, is also included in the architectural pearls of Budeska. During the parliamentary period only a part is intended for tourists. The real attraction is the magnificent Basilica of St. Stefan, in which you can see the first relic of Hungarians - the dried-up right wing of the first king.

If children travel with us, a great solution would be to go to the Monument Park, Zoological Garden dated 1866, or to the Oceanarium-Tropicarium. Budapest as a city of underground springs and thermal baths, offers healing, thermal and mud baths. Some of the facilities are open all year round, offering swimming pools in closed and open spaces.

Guide Travel!

Choose snow or tropics?

The question of whether it is better to choose snow or rather tropics is one of those doubts whose solution is highly dependent on the individual preferences of the traveler. Some prefer frosty, invigorating air and wandering in warm golf and a woolen hat, while in the evening warming up by the fireplace with a warm mulled wine in hand, while others only like hot sand on the beach, blue sea, or better, the ocean, palm trees, lush vegetation and the ability to walk only in the bikini and flip flops.

Before embarking on a journey, it is worth considering what our body needs at the moment. If we live in a cold climate on a daily basis, which does not allow significant lighting of the surroundings and we feel that it would be good for us to stay in a warm and nice place, then do not hesitate and choose the tropics. It will be a nice change, provided, of course, that we comply with all security measures associated with staying in this zone.

However, there are also those who believe that in the cold one goes to snowy lands to go crazy skiing, while in the summer enjoys sunny pleasures. There are also many good points in this solution. Nevertheless, there is no one recipe for everyone, i.e. one that will make everyone completely satisfied. So the best choice will be listening to your own voice and needs.

What vaccinations are mandatory before flying to tropical countries?

Traveling to tropical countries is above all a great and fascinating adventure, but also a certain risk associated with exposure to numerous infectious diseases characteristic of the local areas. Unfortunately, the mundane can get us even in the most beautiful circumstances of nature, so it's good to be prepared for it and take steps much sooner to protect yourself from sudden illness.

Vaccination is a basic and obligatory matter before traveling to the tropics. It must be remembered that diseases spreading in hot countries are highly correlated with the low level of medical care there, and also not always favorable sanitary conditions. After all, tropics are usually quite poor nooks.

Moving on to the details, we can now distinguish two types of vaccination for travelers. These include mandatory vaccinations, such as yellow fever vaccinations, as well as recommended vaccinations, such as those against typhoid fever or hepatitis C infection.

However, it is good to be aware that vaccination does not give 100% certainty that we will not get the disease. After all, this is a large and in many cases effective protection.

Where to go on vacation with a small child?

A holiday trip with a small child is quite different from a trip with large children or without children at all. This is obvious, however, it happens that inexperienced parents get away with this type of issue. First of all, traveling with a toddler should not be too tiring. Small children endure long journeys that last several hours very badly, which is why the place of rest should be chosen a location a few hours away from the place of residence. The means of transport is unlikely to play a role, but it is definitely better for the toddler to travel in the most comfortable conditions possible. On vacation you can go to the sea, the mountains or the countryside. Each of these options has undeniable advantages and is very beneficial in terms of health, just remember a few basic principles. At the seaside it is mandatory to use children's sunblock and sunscreen. It is best to go to the beach on warm days in the mornings and afternoons, then the weather conditions are most favorable, and there are fewer vacationers on the beach. Holidays in the mountains with a child are best spent walking on straight, low-lying, short trails, while remembering about properly selected clothing and warm tea. A trip to the countryside, apart from purely recreational values, can also have educational qualities. In addition to the traditional attractions of rural recreation, such as a trip to the forest, to the horse farm or to the lake, it is worth getting interested in the toddler surrounding nature.

Where to go on holidays in October?

October is a month characterized by autumn landscape, which gloomy afternoons, windy days and rainy hours, can put melancholy, discouragement, apathy and laziness. While autumn is knocking on our door, regions of southern Europe are still bathing in the sun. At this time, less crowding of foreign holiday resorts and significantly lower prices of holiday offers are also observed.

Spain is particularly recommended in this respect, in which temperatures close to 23 degrees persist during October. Both the most beautiful Spanish cities and the Canary Islands with open arms welcome "late" tourists, providing numerous attractions.

Tenerife in the autumn season will welcome its tourists with air temperatures near 27 degrees and water exceeding 20 degrees.

Portugal is also an interesting place to rest, more precisely the island of Madeira, or the Greek island of Rhodes. There temperatures reach around 23 degrees.

Many tourists are also tempted by the Turkish Riviera, which at this time of year has a temperature close to 27 degrees. Hot water allows there not only bathing, but also the implementation of water sports. In addition, beautiful beaches and historic mosques encourage walking and sightseeing.

Guide Travel!

Where can you swim with dolphins?

You can swim with dolphins both in dolphins and in the natural habitat of these mammals. There are many places in the world where you can spend time in fun or therapy with a dolphin. In Europe, the most famous are the Turkish dolphins in Kuşadasi, Alanya and Marmaris. In each of the above-mentioned places you can take part in a show of skills of these mammals, and indulge in rest in their company. It is also worth mentioning the possibility of using dolphin therapy. Very good conditions for meeting dolphins are in Israeli Eilat. In local, very clean and calm waters, it is possible to swim with dolphins in their natural environment, of course, accompanied by a qualified guide. Equally popular is the Portuguese Dolphinar Zoomarine located in Gui near Albufeira in the Algarve province. Excellent conditions for observing dolphins in their natural environment can be found on Sao Miguel and Faial - islands belonging to the Azores archipelago. It is worth mentioning that in addition to dolphins, you can also watch whales on Sao Miguel. Don't forget about the amazing dolphins in Bali or Mexican Cancún or Cozumel. Unfortunately, there is currently no dolphinarium in Poland.

The choice of the place where you can dive depends on several factors. The most important of these are skills. It is obvious that less experience diving enthusiasts should choose shallow, easy and safe waters, initially preferably in the company of an instructor or specialist. As you increase your skills, you can try yourself in a more demanding environment. In general, diving is a sport that is best practiced in warm seas, preferably in some spectacular scenery, with coral reefs and wonderful specimens of tropical flora and fauna. This is a misleading approach, because you can dive in virtually any body of water, for which there are no environmental or administrative bans. You can dive in lakes, rivers, underground caves, dam reservoirs, quarries or excavations. The only restrictions, except for legal ones, are finances (for more complex descent you should get specialized equipment) and skills. Yes, you can learn to dive in Mediterranean resorts or the Pacific, however, it is worth first trying your hand at local waters assisted by national instructors.

Which countries can you go to without a passport?

Poles can travel to all European Union countries without a passport. However, this does not mean that we do not need to have any identity document, because not all EU countries are in the Schengen area, and only we can enter them without documents. When entering the UK, Ireland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romania or Croatia, you must show a valid passport or ID card. Moreover, not all countries in the Schengen area are simultaneously in the European Union. These countries are Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. You can enter them without showing your ID. Other European countries that you can enter without a passport are Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, as well as Montenegro (in the last case, a stay without a passport can be up to 30 days). You can also travel to some overseas departments or territories and autonomous regions such as French Guiana, Madeira, Azores, Martinique and New Caledonia without a passport. However, it should be remembered that the passport is an identity card with a higher legal status than an ID card, so it is always worth having it outside of Poland. This is due to the fact that - compared to the ID card - a passport is a document much more readily accepted by hospitals, banks or insurers. that's why it's always worth having it outside of Poland. This is due to the fact that - compared to the ID card - a passport is a document much more readily accepted by hospitals, banks or insurers. that's why it's always worth having it outside of Poland. This is due to the fact that - compared to an ID card - a passport is a document much more readily accepted by hospitals, banks or insurers.

Why an all-inclusive vacation?

Travel agencies teem with bargain travel offers throughout the year. Especially the very popular last minute offers tempt customers passing by. Very often, the prices for holidays in warm countries do not differ significantly from the costs we incur when choosing holidays at the Polish seaside or in the mountains, especially in the summer season.

That is why every year more and more people decide to go on holiday abroad. Price offers and the scope of services they cover vary radically depending on the location. Last minute deals are the most popular due to the short departure time and competitive price. Costs also determine the type of program to be purchased. The most comfortable is the All inclusive option, which includes all possible amenities. Why should you decide on it?

Holiday choices

Even half-board is not a cheap matter. Eating lunch or dinner in hotel restaurants or other city venues on a trip abroad is often equivalent to the additional payment which was the difference between the half board package and the All inclusive package. In addition, all items are available for free in the luxurious option - so you don't have to worry about pool chairs, towels, alcoholic beverages and meals.

The buffet can be used unlimitedly, which also applies to snacks, ice cream drinks, etc. It is also especially important during holidays with children, who often have their whims. Unlimited availability also applies to alcohol, which is served most often from 22:00.


Catering provided in restaurants and hotel buffets is extremely important especially in the Arab countries, due to the risk of poisoning with traditional cuisine served in city bars, restaurants or roadside gastronomy booths.

Holidays are the only time of the year in which we can fully relax and break away from everyday problems. The choice of such options definitely favors the regeneration of strength and the feeling of full comfort.

What to take on vacation

The planned vacation is the most pleasant moment of the year, which allows you to completely relax, de-stress and regenerate. Preparing for the trip, packing and other activities in this direction, especially if it is a family trip with children, but it can be very tiring and requires precision. The most important element is planning the packaging and making a list of things that will be necessary. At this stage, the question arises - what should you take on vacation?

List of needed items

It is worth starting to make a list, dividing it into subcategories, preferably placed on separate sheets. The most important among them are:

  • documents
  • health (mainly medicines and dressings)
  • clothing and footwear
  • electronic devices
  • cosmetics

In each category, enter the items that should be in the suitcase, and then, when packing, uncheck them on the list. The elements necessary for anyone traveling abroad are: ID card, passport, photocopy of both documents hidden in another part of the suitcase, chargers for devices.

For holidays in warm countries, you should also buy antidiarrheal drugs, especially in places such as Egypt and Turkey. The basic set of drugs containing antipyretic and analgesic tablets is also an indicated element.

Other necessary elements should be determined based on the destination - its climate, characteristic features, culture, and unusual external factors. On websites and online forms devoted to these regions, you can also find valuable tips on creating a list of things necessary.

What to take to your hand luggage?

Packing for a holiday trip, especially if we are waiting for check-in at the airport, and luggage weight without a surcharge is limited, it is a real chore. Weighing the suitcase repeatedly, thinking about the elimination of less needed things and the proper arrangement of the luggage elements so that they do not crumble and at the same time allow everything to be packed, is a very complicated process. What does not fit in the basic baggage can always be placed in the hand luggage, but remember which items cannot and what should be in it.

Hand luggage should contain the necessary documents and products such as antibacterial or wet wipes. If we want to put cosmetics in it, we must remember that they must be in plastic containers up to 100 ml, placed in a transparent vanity case with a capacity of up to 1 l. You cannot transport items such as razors, shavers, tweezers, scissors and other metal, sharp items.

The baggage, however, may contain a laptop bag, a handbag for men or women, which does not have doubts, a camera, small electronic equipment and clothing. Please note that the maximum weight of hand luggage is not exceeded, as some airlines are penalized for exceeding this value.

What does all-inclusive mean?

Holiday offers with slightly higher prices than classic offers are often accompanied by an all-inclusive note. What does this mean and is it worth paying extra to choose this offer?

The all-inclusive refund is translated from English as "everything included". This means that the offer includes accommodation, full board, and all kinds of additional services provided by the hotel, which are most often listed in the description.

By choosing this package we get the highest possible standards, i.e. all-day access to the gastronomic buffet, free access to the bar with alcoholic beverages, cold drinks as well as pool chairs and many other amenities. Thus, we do not have to worry about anything and at the same time the shipping costs will increase, apart from individual purchases such as souvenirs or additional drinks outside the hotel. It is a very convenient form that every tourist likes to use. The cost of the additional payment associated with the All inclusive offer is small compared to the convenience we get.

What are Golden Sands?

Golden Sands is the most popular among tourists, and at the same time the most expensive Black Sea region of Bulgaria, which is characterized by a beautiful, long beach under which a thick forest approaches and wonderful hotels of an exceptionally high standard. Rich in spa areas and balneological devices, they are a continuation of the nature park, thanks to which they received the prestigious "Blue Flag" European ecological award.

Exclusive rest

It is difficult to deny the exceptional care for patient comfort, beautiful hotel interiors, high level of service and ubiquitous glamor, which, according to the majority, is the basis for giving high scores to the resort. At the same time, it is characterized by prices two to three times higher than those that mark the nearby towns. In season, even fruit is four times more expensive there than in a nearby town. Therefore, it is a perfect proposition for those who require extraordinary luxury and the most comfortable conditions, regardless of the price.

What is EHIC?

The European Health Insurance Card, i.e. the EHIC, is a document confirming the insured's right to use health care in emergencies in all European Union countries, as well as Iceland, Norway or Switzerland, on an equal footing with the insured citizens of these countries. It is issued at the request of persons traveling abroad for a while, as part of a tourist trip, family or friends' visit, business trip, trip to work or education. The application for the issuing of the EHIC card is submitted to the NFZ provincial branch independently, through an authorized broker or by post / fax.

Security Guarantee

It is very important to complete this formality to fully guarantee your safety and free assistance in the event of an unfortunate event. It may be a cold requiring sudden medical intervention, as well as trauma, injury or a more serious accident. At EKUZ, we can be sure that we are well looked after.

Are exotic countries safe?

Exotic countries are extremely popular, especially from European tourists. This is not surprising - we are fascinated by different cultures, landscapes, unusual fauna and flora. Often, however, tourists wonder about the level of security that characterizes such places - are you sure you can trust the travel agencies' assurances of all safeguards?

Preventive actions

Not exactly - we should take care of our health and safety during the trip by taking all necessary measures along this path. A few weeks before the planned trip, it is advisable to visit a specialist in the field of tropical diseases. He often gives not only the necessary safety tips for preventive behavior, the fight against unpleasant symptoms and the supply of first aid kits, but also recommends vaccinations, depending on the destination. Currently required vaccination by the International Health Regulations is only vaccination against yellow fever (in Africa and South America.), While the recommended amount is much higher - it is often several recommended vaccinations for one area (e.g. hepatitis A and B, yellow fever tetanus, typhoid fever).

In addition, in exotic countries it is worth avoiding visits to beauticians, hairdressers, acupuncture, tattooing and other invasive procedures. It is also worth carefully watching the places where we eat - the safest is hotel food, while all bars and local restaurants should be avoided.

By following these recommendations, we can confidently conclude that there is nothing to fear during a vacation in an exotic country. The best way to keep yourself safe is by using common sense and avoiding risky actions.

How to sunbathe safely?

Attractive, tan tan is the holiday dream of each of us. However, how can you ensure that the effect of getting a sun brush does not turn into nightmarish redness and unpleasant burning, or worse sun stroke? It is worth remembering that tanning is not only effective, but above all safe. The basic and very important element is choosing the right time for sunbathing. The morning or afternoon hours are perfect for this purpose. The strongest UV radiation, which causes severe skin burns, is observed between 11am and 3pm.

Appropriate protection

An inseparable tanning companion should also be a properly selected sunblock. Its first layer should be applied for half an hour before starting a sun bath, and then repeated every 2 hours, or after each entry into the water, regardless of whether we use waterproof cream or not. Protective creams have different SPF factor values. When choosing, be guided by the rule - the lighter the complexion, the higher the SPF value. In the case of dry and prone to skin irritation, after sun creams are recommended, which soothe redness and moisturize the skin.

It's also worth remembering to protect your head from sunlight to prevent sunstroke. A hat or cap will be an ideal protection against the intense rays of the sun.

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Which Canary Island to choose?

The Canary Islands archipelago consists of seven main islands and six smaller islands. The main islands are El Hierro, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, La Gomera, La Palma, Lanzarote and Tenerife. The tourist industry of the archipelago focuses on them, the smaller islands are rather uninhabited. Each of the above-mentioned islands is different. Tenerife is the largest island in the archipelago and its tourist center. There are wonderful beaches, as well as water sports centers, a very extensive hotel base or countless clubs, restaurants, bars and discos. Gran Canaria is the most diverse island. Beside wonderful, sandy or rocky beaches, there are dunes, snow-covered mountains or pine forests. The island has the largest city of the Canary Islands, filled with monuments of Las Palmas. On the next island, Fuerteventura, there are the most beautiful beaches around the archipelago, as well as very quiet towns and plenty of hiking trails. Lanzarote is known for its lunar-like volcanic landscapes. As in the case of Fuerteventura, it is relatively little frequented by tourists. La Gomera is famous for its black beaches and wonderful mountain trails, and La Palma for its calmness and high rocky cliffs. El Hierro is the smallest of the Canary Islands and definitely the least visited by tourists, making it the perfect choice for someone who values ​​peace and quiet above all else. Lanzarote is known for its lunar-like volcanic landscapes. As in the case of Fuerteventura, it is relatively little frequented by tourists. La Gomera is famous for its black beaches and wonderful mountain trails, and La Palma for its calmness and high rocky cliffs. El Hierro is the smallest of the Canary Islands and definitely the least visited by tourists, making it the perfect choice for someone who values ​​peace and quiet above all else. Lanzarote is known for its lunar-like volcanic landscapes. As in the case of Fuerteventura, it is relatively little frequented by tourists. La Gomera is famous for its black beaches and wonderful mountain trails, and La Palma for its calmness and high rocky cliffs. El Hierro is the smallest of the Canary Islands and definitely the least visited by tourists, making it the perfect choice for someone who values ​​peace and quiet above all else.

What holidays with children?

By choosing an offer for holidays for two, we have complete freedom in choosing the destination. When planning a vacation with children, we must take into account many important details that directly affect the comfort and quality of shared rest. Travel agencies offer many proposals especially for families with children, while guaranteeing that the choice of their offer will ensure a peaceful rest for the whole family and provide animation of children's time under the watchful eye of qualified guardians so that parents can also relax during the holidays.

What else is worth paying attention to when choosing an offer?

Price - very often the offer of stay for children is characterized by a lower cost by half.

The presence of a children's corner - a place with an interesting arrangement, equipped with toys, in which all resting children will gather, will definitely make the stay more attractive to the toddler

The availability of swimming pools adapted to small children, equipped with attractive slides, will ensure the child's entertainment and unforgettable fun

Possibility to rent a babysitter - will allow parents to visit local monuments without having to expose the toddler to a tiring journey

Customized restaurant menu and tables for children

These features are most often characterized by foreign hotels of a higher standard. However, it is better to pay extra for a trip that will be leisure than regret your choice. Foreign holidays with children can be a pleasure if we take care of the smallest details. You should also ensure that you do not expose your child to long journeys and choose those trips whose flights are carried out from our place of residence. In addition, it is also worth checking the weather conditions and temperatures that prevail at the destination - countries with an extremely hot climate are not a good place to relax for very young children, because they adversely affect their well-being and can lead to weakness and sunburn.

What are the benefits of a round trip?

Round trips are carried out both within one country and between different countries. While a dozen or so years ago they were associated only with the express pace of sightseeing, frequent change of hotels and repacking and the lack of opportunities to relax in the style of lounging on the beach, currently their programs allow achieving the full purpose of the trip - see as many places as possible and use of their charms. There are various programs of this type of trips - adapted to young people, families with children, as well as the elderly, who due to retirement have the chance to explore the world and fulfill their travel dreams.

The advantages of round trips include, among others, the opportunity to visit many countries, or many interesting and representative corners of one area, which you will certainly not experience buying an all-inclusive trip to a specific place. This does not mean, however, that the program does not include lounging on the beach and relaxing - quite the opposite. The price of such trips is also attractive, which means that both pensioners and young marriages can afford them. It is also a great opportunity to meet new people with similar passions and discover new cultures and customs.

Round trips with a travel agency provide accommodation and meals, thanks to which they constitute a much more favorable form of rest than self-organizing holidays in this style. They also guarantee seeing all the most important and valuable monuments that could be overlooked during independent planning.

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Which country to choose so that it is sunny?

Holiday vacation abroad is a time that is supposed to compensate us for a year of hard work, allow us to rest in perfect comfort and ensure full relaxation, with a guarantee of beautiful, sunny weather, which we will not experience in such a variable climate.

Therefore, when choosing a holiday destination, we focus primarily on the sunniest countries. Among them, the leaders are definitely Bulgaria, Romania and Greece, where the average number of sunny hours per day reaches up to 11. High temperatures of both water and air are guaranteed throughout the entire vacation.

Spain is also a very sunny country, in particular Andalusia - there are up to 3,000 hours of sunshine a year, thanks to which every summer and spring month guarantees beautiful, sunny weather.

In this respect, many tourists also praise the Indonesian island of Bali, where you can fully enjoy the sun rays for over 300 days a year. We also get beautiful weather guaranteed when going on holiday in Cyprus, which is very popular. The Caribbean, the Greek island of Rhodes and the Australian metropolis of Perth are also undeniably beautiful and sunny beaches.

Where can you do kitesurfing?

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Kitesurfing is a sport that requires appropriate weather conditions. It can only be grown when the wind reaches five knots, while the most optimal value is between eight and ten units. Kitesurfing is practiced at sea and on the lake. In Poland, the most recommended place for this purpose is the Puck Bay due to its shallow water and favorable winds. There are also many kitesurfing schools there. Where abroad is worth going for kite surfing?

Kitesurfing abroad - Canary Islands

Gran Canaria is often mentioned among foreign places ideal for practicing this sport. Atlantic trade winds blow there for most of the year. In addition, the local climate is extremely mild, and surfing becomes an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful views. Gran Canaria is part of the Canary Islands, which is why it has a well-developed tourist base. The most recommended places to start practicing this sport are Bahia Feliz and Playa del Aquila.

Surfing in Egypt

Kitesurf enthusiasts also love Egypt, and more specifically the Soma Bay episode, which provides extremely attractive conditions for kite fastening. Soma Bay is located less than 50 kilometers from Hurghada. The water surface is usually very flat and the breeze is regular, which creates good conditions for fun for those who love freestyle. Athletes use a well-organized base that is not lacking in anything - from equipment and shower rentals to a small bar and leisure area.

Surfing in the Eastern Mediterranean

Cyprus and Greek Rhodes are also recommended for water sports fans. The climate there provides strong gusts of wind, high temperatures and a relatively small amount of waste. The water is clean and warm, and equipment rentals are on every beach.

Spain again - this time continental

Tarifa is a kind of surfing capital in Spain. It is located at the interface of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, next to the Strait of Gibraltar. In this city winds favor surfers throughout the year. Divers are also increasingly willing to come to Tarifa, who can admire the richness of underwater life - dolphins, turtles, octopuses, corals and many other sea wonders. Of course, there are many shops with equipment for practicing all kinds of water sports.

Where in the winter to warm countries?

For many, winter holidays are as attractive as summer holidays. The gloomy landscape of winter scenery and low temperatures encourage visiting warm countries. Offers at this time of year are characterized by different prices and standards, but everyone can successfully find among them the perfect offer.

A common winter choice is located in Europe, but closer to the coast of Africa Madeira. It is an island on which there is eternal spring, because temperatures do not fall below 20 degrees. At the same time, we don't have to worry about tiring heat at this time of year. It is characterized by beautiful landscapes, waterfalls and lush, original vegetation.

For those who like more exotic expeditions, Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia. The only thing that works against this offer is the high price of the flight ticket. Staying in this country is relatively cheap and extremely attractive. The tourist areas of this country are very safe and the inhabitants are extremely friendly.

Cyprus has also been a valued holiday resort for years. Picturesque landscapes, beautiful scenery, wonderful climate and pleasant warmth encourage you to rest and relax in this magical land. It is not only an ideal place to relax, but also to explore - old mountain monasteries, lost villages and wild beaches are just a few places worth visiting.

Tenerife is also an attractive and cheap place for winter holidays. Prices of trips in these pages are half cheaper than in the season and the weather conditions are very comfortable. Of the Canary Islands, it is the most attractive place, full of great places to visit, which can be implemented on foot or by bike.

Winter holidays in Israel, Tunisia, Thailand or Morocco are also very often recommended. Attractive prices at this time of year allow you to spend an unforgettable holiday at a much lower cost and without crowds.

What filter for a holiday in warm countries?

Getting a beautiful and attractive tan, especially as a holiday trip to warm countries is the dream of many of us. But how do you get this effect while protecting your skin from painful and dangerous burns?

It is generally recommended to choose our phototype when choosing sunscreen. People with phototype 1, i.e. milky skin prone to burns should choose creams with the highest filter. Phototype 2, i.e. people with fair skin, normal skin and blond-light brown hair, should choose creams with the SPF 50 filter.

Brunettes and owners of dark blond and light brown complexion can choose SPF 30 filters, while those with dark complexion can also choose smaller factors.

In the case of a trip to warm countries, where very high temperatures and intense sunlight particularly expose the skin to damage, it is recommended to choose SPF filters regardless of the phototype, however, the lower the phototype, the more attention should be paid to the selection of creams and protective preparations. It should also be remembered that the filters do not add up, and the application of the first layer of cream should take about 30 minutes. Before going out into the sun.

Where on the safari?

It's no secret that there are many places in Africa where you can go on safari. The Masai-Mara Reserves in Kenya or the Serengeti National Parks in Tanzania or Kruger in South Africa are the best known and it's very easy to get information about them. A much more interesting solution are parks and reserves, which are not so well known to tourists, and which offer an equally wide range of attractions in the form of great views and observation of the local flora and fauna. Such places are certainly Bwindi National Park in Uganda and Volcanoes National Park in northern Rwanda, whose biggest attraction is the opportunity to watch mountain gorillas in their natural environment. Another place that is definitely worth visiting is the Etosha National Park in Namibia, where you can meet the highest of the African elephants, as well as black rhinos, predatory cats and a huge amount of all kinds of antelopes. In the Chobe National Park, located in Botswana, in the Okavango Delta, in addition to traditional African animals such as elephants, antelopes and large predatory cats, you can find hippos, countless birds, as well as endangered species of hyenas and wild dogs. Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe is famous for its abundance of elephants, antelopes and lions. The Zambezi River Valley in Zambia is famous for a very large number of birds and - like all the other places mentioned above - for great views. A relatively unknown nature reserve is located in Mozambique Gorongosa National Park, whose flora and fauna have suffered quite a lot as a result of armed conflicts that took place in this part of Africa. It's worth knowing.

Tourist attractions in countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea

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Holidays in the countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea are not only beautiful landscapes and numerous monuments. They are also other, more surprising forms of spending time. Here are some well-known attractions that we can use in the Mediterranean countries.

Surfers time in Spain

The westernmost coast of Spain, the Costa de la Luz, creates the best conditions for kitesurfing and windsurfing in Europe. All thanks to the numerous beaches, azure waters of the Atlantic Ocean and proximity to the Strait of Gibraltar. Some beaches are only for surfers. Under the guidance of an instructor, we can try their hand at kitesurfing or windsurfing. The most famous is Tarifa, a kind of Spanish surfing capital, which has a somewhat hippy atmosphere. Holidays in this part of Spain will certainly be successful.

Luxury Cote d'Azur

The Cote d'Azur in French Provence is an area that offers us the power of beautiful landscapes, numerous museums, galleries and many other interesting places. Nature enthusiasts should visit Loup Canyon, which is Wolf's Canyon, where there are unique waterfalls. In Nice, the Naive Art Museum and its amazing exhibits are waiting for us. In turn, a small Gombrowicz Museum was opened in Vence, and multimedia shows are organized in the old quarry in the town of Les Baux-de-Provence.

Liguria - a great place for walks

In Italian Liguria there are wonderful trekking routes - especially around Genoa. Walking in this part of Italy is a real pleasure. Trails vary in difficulty, so you can even try mountain climbing when walking some of them. The weather is conducive to active holidays, and the views simply delight.

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Italian climate in Sardinia

Sardinia offers tourists beautiful beaches cut off from the world, which can only be reached by canoe. This region is famous for its wonderful landscape forms - caves and grottoes. Be sure to visit the Grotto of Neptune, or Grotte di Nettuno, which is located on the Cap Caccia cliff. In the cave you can admire the formations in various, very fancy shapes. Inside there is an atmosphere of mystery - tourists can visit only a few hundred-meter section.

Beautiful beach and sport for the brave

The Blue Lagoon in Turkish Ölüdeniz is the perfect place to relax and enjoy activities in one. The local beach is considered by many to be the most paradise in the whole of the Mediterranean. If you want to feel the adrenaline rush, you can choose to parachute from a nearby mountain or on a paraglider.

Where to with children to Italy?

When planning a vacation in Italy in the company of children, it is worth considering the purpose of such a trip. Yes, you can take your children with you just to go with them to an amusement park, aquapark or zoo, however, this is not the best idea, because such attractions are also found in Poland. What is not in Poland is a mild and warm climate (especially in May and June - it may be much too hot later), excellent Mediterranean food and great monuments. Tuscany is a very good destination for this type of vacation, combining the best of Italy. The mild climate is definitely the best to relax on the beach or by the pool, both in the hotel and in the property rented during the holiday. The most famous Tuscan cities are Pisa, Siena and Florence, filled with restaurants, museums, temples or buildings known all over the world. Tuscan beaches are full of attractions, also for the youngest, and if the children are extremely bored, then they can be taken to amusement, water or theme parks (e.g. regarding the character of Pinocchio in Collodi). Outside of Tuscany, a gondola ride in Venice, a trip to the Roman Coliseum or Vatican Basilica of St. Piotr's can also be an interesting variety. Don't forget the famous Italian football clubs - a visit to the stadium or even a match can be a great idea for a free Sunday afternoon. When planning a holiday with children, it is worth remembering to check the possible opening time of tourist or holiday attractions, because it happens that some of them are available to tourists only from June. temples or buildings known all over the world. Tuscan beaches are full of attractions, also for the youngest, and if the children are extremely bored, then they can be taken to amusement, water or theme parks (e.g. regarding the character of Pinocchio in Collodi). Outside of Tuscany, a gondola ride in Venice, a trip to the Roman Coliseum or Vatican Basilica of St. Piotr's can also be an interesting variety. Don't forget the famous Italian football clubs - a visit to the stadium or even a match can be a great idea for a free Sunday afternoon. When planning a holiday with children, it is worth remembering to check the possible opening time of tourist or holiday attractions, because it happens that some of them are available to tourists only from June. temples or buildings known all over the world. Tuscan beaches are full of attractions, also for the youngest, and if the children are extremely bored, then they can be taken to amusement, water or theme parks (e.g. regarding the character of Pinocchio in Collodi). Outside of Tuscany, a gondola ride in Venice, a trip to the Roman Coliseum or Vatican Basilica of St. Piotr's can also be an interesting variety. Don't forget the famous Italian football clubs - a visit to the stadium or even a match can be a great idea for a free Sunday afternoon. When planning a holiday with children, it is worth remembering to check the possible opening time of tourist or holiday attractions, because it happens that some of them are available to tourists only from June.

Where to go rafting in Europe?

Rafting is an increasingly popular way of spending free time. It is considered an extreme sport, however simple rafting routes can also be overcome by less experienced water sports enthusiasts. Rafting can be practiced on virtually any river that has even small thresholds and currents. There are six classes of river difficulty, WW1 is the easiest, while WW6 is the most difficult, deadly even for very experienced rafters. For this reason, rafting is practiced in virtually every country that has any rapid rivers flowing from not necessarily high mountains. An excellent example of this connection is Scotland, in which relatively small differences between mountain tops and sea level are sufficient for that the flowing rivers and streams have enough current. Of course, the most popular rafting destination in Europe are the Alpine regions, in particular Austria and Provence in France. One of the most beautiful rafting in the world is considered to be in the canyon of the Montenegrin River Tara. Equally popular are the Turkish (Köprülü Canyon) and Croatian (Cetina) destinations, as well as the rushing streams in Scandinavia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Poland, it flows down the Dunajec, Nysa Kłodzka or Białka. in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Poland, it flows down the Dunajec, Nysa Kłodzka or Białka. in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. In Poland, it flows down the Dunajec, Nysa Kłodzka or Białka.

Which Greek island is the prettiest?

It is obvious that beauty is a subjective value and it is very difficult to clearly define or even indicate something that is objectively and indisputably beautiful. It is no different with the Greek islands. Nobody knows which Greek island is the prettiest. Even the Greeks argue about it among themselves. Some say that the most beautiful island is Skiathos, famous for its sun-reflecting sand, for others the most beautiful is known from all-night Mykonos events. What to choose? A small, intimate Paros or the world famous Santorini? Lefkada is known for its wonderful beaches, while hiking enthusiasts away from civilization should choose Tilos. Lovers of silence will definitely taste the atmosphere of intimate Ikaria, lovers of more worldly entertainment will love the warm and cosmopolitan Crete. Zakynthos from Corfu will compete for the palm of priority in the category of spectacular connections of high mountains with magnificent beaches. Historic and full of tourists from all over the world, Naxos can be as good a choice as the quiet, small island of Kos, the picturesque Kefalonia or Skyros trekking. The choice of the most beautiful Greek island is simply impossible. It's best to make it yourself, based on your own tourist experience.

Which island should you choose in Thailand?

Among European tourists, Phuket and Ko Samui have been the most popular islands in Thailand for many years. Sightseeing during the first independent trip to Thailand is worth starting from them, because the islands are perfectly prepared to welcome guests from around the world, besides, in virtually any season of the year, even during monsoons, you can meet tourists there. Despite the fact that Thailand is a country focused mainly on tourism, it is also an exotic country, especially for someone who has never been to that part of the world. Phuket and Ko Samui are by far the most "European", so that any culture shock will be less. More experienced tourists can look for some less frequented island, which should not be too difficult, because Thailand has several hundred islands and even the most fussy traveler will surely find something for himself. The best areas for diving are Ko Tup, Ko Tao and Ko Mak. Ko Nang Yuan and Ko Phi Phi are considered to have the most beautiful beaches. Nature lovers will certainly find something for themselves on Ko Kut, Ko Kradan or Ko Phra Tong. Ko Phangan is a place where events last around the clock, while Ko Tarutao is probably the best solution for independent camping. It is only worth remembering that the Thai islands do not occur in one place, but are located in three main locations: in the Andaman Sea and on the northern and western coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Nature lovers will certainly find something for themselves on Ko Kut, Ko Kradan or Ko Phra Tong. Ko Phangan is a place where events last around the clock, while Ko Tarutao is probably the best solution for independent camping. It is only worth remembering that the Thai islands do not occur in one place, but are located in three main locations: in the Andaman Sea and on the northern and western coast of the Gulf of Thailand. Nature lovers will certainly find something for themselves on Ko Kut, Ko Kradan or Ko Phra Tong. Ko Phangan is a place where events last around the clock, while Ko Tarutao is probably the best solution for independent camping. It is only worth remembering that the Thai islands do not occur in one place, but are located in three main locations: in the Andaman Sea and on the northern and western coast of the Gulf of Thailand.

Category: Guide | February 7, 2017 | admin

When choosing an exotic country as your destination, we face a serious dilemma about the contents of our suitcase - what items should you take with you and which you should definitely avoid? Experienced travelers are happy to give advice in this area, sharing their insights in articles, interviews, or on Internet forums.

Exotic holidays can take many forms. When planning an organized trip with a travel agency, during which we intend to mainly use the hotel facilities and organized trips led by a guide, the factor that limits us the most is the size and weight of luggage, controlled at the airport. However, focusing your attention on more extreme expeditions, organized on your own to get to know the exotic country from the point of view of the inhabitants, it is worth remembering that the rule applies - the less, the better. It is recommended to give up the excess of accessories, ornaments or gadgets that can catch the attention of foreigners and become an easy prey for thieves. You should also choose simple and classic clothes and the most necessary items for life.

In addition to properly adapted clothing and stable shoes with strong soles, the traveler's necessary equipment is a properly stocked first aid kit. It should contain ointments and medicines for insect bites, injuries and abrasions, stomach problems, fever and colds. It should also contain hydrogen peroxide and dressings: patches, gauze and bandage.

It is also very important to get the right creams with a high filter that prevent sunburn and anti-chaff preparations. It is also necessary to have a proper headgear in the form of a hat, handkerchief or hat to protect against sunstroke.

Travelers should also be provided with a detailed map of the area and the necessary information and emergency numbers.

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Category: Guide | February 8, 2017 | admin

India is by far the most diverse country in the world, both geographically and culturally. European influences, which are a remnant of English colonization, are combined here with Islam, Hinduism and other Far Eastern cultural trends, creating a unique civilization mosaic, unparalleled anywhere else in the world. In India, you must first visit Delhi, the capital of the country, where you can admire the unusual combination of modern, futuristic architecture with religion in the form of the Baha'i Lotus Temple, as well as the largest Indian mosque Jama Masjid, the world-famous Red Fort, splendidly decorated Presidential Palace or the Gate of India erected in honor of fallen Indian soldiers. Near Delhi there is Agra, in which one of the most famous buildings in the history of mankind was erected (many experts believe that also the most perfect in terms of architecture), i.e. the Taj Mahal mausoleum. Another Indian monument known all over the world is the magnificent Golden Temple in Amritsar, which is the most important Sikh sanctuary in the world. Cities that should definitely visit are also the largest in the country Mumbai, which is the cultural center of Calcutta, called the pink city of Jaipur and Varanasi, or the holy city of Hindu followers. The most famous holiday resorts in India are Goa and the small, but very effective, touristy Darjling. Also, don't forget about the great geographical attractions, because India is the only country in the world where you can climb the Himalayan peaks.

Category: Guide | February 9, 2017 | admin

It may seem that Dubai is one of those cities on vacation where few can afford. The city is clearly associated with wealth, splendor and unusual engineering constructions, such as artificial islands or modern, futuristic hotels. However, this does not change the fact that Dubai is not a very expensive city. Yes, the price per night in some luxury hotels would ruin the budget of a medium-sized household, however, it should be remembered that Dubai lives off tourism and is the region's largest financial center and transit place for both goods and traveling people. For this reason, in Dubai you can find a lot of entertainment for virtually every budget. The city is known primarily for its excellent tourist and transport infrastructure, so you can use beaches and parks in excellent condition without any problems. In Dubai there are several market squares where you can buy not only local delicacies, but also jewelry or regional clothes. At the turn of January and February the Shopping Festival takes place in the city, during which the most famous fashion designers reduce their clothing prices by up to several dozen percent. Dubai also has numerous water parks, shopping centers, a ski slope open all year round, and a nature reserve inhabited by the local species of water birds. Before departing for a holiday, it is worth knowing the dates of the beginning and end of Ramadan, because during this time holiday trips are not recommended, not so much for religious reasons, but for purely polite reasons.

Category: Guide | 10 February 2017 | admin

If Catalan Barcelona is considered the Spanish city with the most tourists to offer, then Andalusia is undoubtedly a region that can be said the same. There are few things that are not worth seeing in Andalusia. The combination of a wonderful Mediterranean climate with a very old culture lying at the crossroads of Christianity and Islam gives a truly staggering impression. It is on the Andalusian coasts of Costa del Sol and Costa de la Luz that the most famous European beaches are located. In the capital of the region, i.e. in Seville, it is worth seeing the world's largest gothic cathedral, i.e. the Cathedral of the Blessed Virgin Mary, besides, in the spring you can hit the very celebrated celebrations of Holy Week, and for football enthusiasts the football derby of the city between Real Betis and Sevilla FC clubs. The greatest attraction of Granada is the magnificent Moorish palace and castle complex, i.e. the world-famous Alhambra. In Malaga, it is worth visiting the Pablo Picasso museum, while in Cordoba - just walk the old streets, admiring the unusual architecture, which is a reflection of the complicated, cultural and religious mosaic created in this city by three great monotheistic religions, i.e. Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Being in Andalusia and not going to the small but very charming Ronda, Huelva or Baeza, not to mention the luxurious Marbella or the oldest Spanish city of Cadiz, is also not fitting. You should also know that Andalusia is the home of flamenco dancing and a place where you can still see the corrida, i.e. fighting a bull in the arena. And this is only a small part of the attractions that this region has to offer.

Category: Guide | 11 February 2017 | admin

Portugal, which has recently suffered quite a bit from the financial crisis, still offers tourists a huge number of attractions. It is worth starting visiting this country from its capital, i.e. Lisbon, located on the Atlantic Ocean. There are not as many charming capitals in Europe as this old city, remembering the ancient Romans. The biggest Lisbon attraction is the ride on the yellow, old tram No. 28, which, driving slowly, along the steep streets of the city, passes most of its most important monuments. It is also worth going to the Lisbon port of Belém, visiting the magnificent Lisbon Sé Cathedral or the largest aquarium in Europe. Another Portuguese city worth visiting is Porto, the capital of Portuguese winemaking, a city as nice as Lisbon. Other cities where you should stay longer are Coimbra, Braga and Aveiro. Coimbra is the cradle of Portuguese statehood, Braga is probably considered the oldest Portuguese city, and Aveiro is considered the equivalent of Venice. To this should be added Madeira and the Azores archipelago - Portuguese islands lying in the Atlantic, quite popular among tourists from Europe, although not as much as, for example, the Canary Islands. Being in Portugal, you can also go south to the Algarve region, full of beautiful, but still uncrowded beaches, as well as to Fatima, located south of the city of Leiria, one of the most important places of Christian worship in the world. To this should be added Madeira and the Azores archipelago - Portuguese islands lying in the Atlantic, quite popular among tourists from Europe, although not as much as, for example, the Canary Islands. Being in Portugal, you can also go south to the Algarve region, full of beautiful, but still uncrowded beaches, as well as to Fatima, located south of the city of Leiria, one of the most important places of Christian worship in the world. To this should be added Madeira and the Azores archipelago - Portuguese islands lying in the Atlantic, quite popular among tourists from Europe, although not as much as, for example, the Canary Islands. Being in Portugal, you can also go south to the Algarve region, full of beautiful, but still uncrowded beaches, as well as to Fatima, located south of the city of Leiria, one of the most important places of Christian worship in the world.

Category: Guide | 11 February 2017 | admin

The name "Balkans" refers to the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, sometimes including Romania and Slovenia. In many respects, it is the most complex and multicultural region in Europe and one of the most complex in the world. The accumulation of monuments, traces of the past, including the painful one, and beautiful landscapes in the Balkans is so great that any general set of them by definition is doomed to incompleteness and fragmentation. Even the most demanding tourist will find something for themselves in this part of the world. There is literally everything here: wonderful Greek, Croatian or Bulgarian holiday resorts are adjacent to the high, picturesque and wild peaks in Romania, Macedonia and Albania. Beautiful beaches on the islands located within the Aegean Sea are located only a few hundred kilometers from the gorges and canyons considered to be the most beautiful in the world (Tara canyon). On the one hand, we have Greek Meteora monasteries built on the tops of the mountains, on the other - a stone city in the Macedonian Kuklica, which is a complex of high-meter, high rock formations formed millions of years ago. Which city should you choose for your vacation? Ancient Athens, multicultural, Bosnian Mostar or the spectacular Sofia at the crossroads of all major European cultures? Will the oldest lakes in Europe, located in national parks in former Yugoslavia, or those remembering the not-so-old Sarajevo war, be a better choice? You can always combine all these attractions into one and visit the real gem of the Balkans, i.e. Slovenia, however, then we will miss the rest in the world still undiscovered in Albania. As you can see, writing about the Balkans as a certain community does not make much sense. If someone wants to spend their holidays there, they should decide on a small dose of Balkan attractions every year. And so for many years, each time discovering new, surprising places.

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Category: Guide | February 12, 2017 | admin

Round trips have the fact that they are very intense and quite tired. That is why it is worth thinking carefully about what to take with you, while keeping in mind that incomplete luggage can be a much less comfortable situation than too heavy bags or suitcases. Comfortable shoes, varied clothing (including underwear and socks for a change, several t-shirts and some thicker sweatshirt or fleece), as well as necessary cosmetics are a matter of course. However, you should bring a thin blanket or plaid and a small pillow, because you never know if you won't have to spend the night on a bus that has broken down. Technological support in the form of a good quality camera and a portable music player will allow you to capture interesting views and save you from boredom. Of course you can try reading a book, however, too loud behavior by traveling companions can effectively prevent you from focusing on reading. A folding umbrella, a small towel or a first aid kit containing the most necessary medications will certainly also be useful. Sunglasses and the right sunblock are also compulsory regardless of the destination. Keep your documents with you in a special sachet, you should also buy a functional mobile phone, because the high pace of sightseeing makes it easy to lose sight of a guide and simply get lost. Sunglasses and the right sunblock are also compulsory regardless of the destination. Keep your documents with you in a special sachet, you should also buy a functional mobile phone, because the high pace of sightseeing makes it easy to lose sight of a guide and simply get lost. Sunglasses and the right sunblock are also compulsory regardless of the destination. Keep your documents with you in a special sachet, you should also buy a functional mobile phone, because the high pace of sightseeing makes it easy to lose sight of a guide and simply get lost.

Category: Guide | February 12, 2017 | admin

The size of luggage taken for an exotic vacation really depends on the wealth of the wallet. It is best to take little clothes and only necessary items such as documents, credit cards or money, a mobile phone and several cosmetics and medicines. The rest can easily be bought at a place of rest, of course, provided that there are shops there, which is not always a certain issue. However, if we do not waste our money on the things we buy at home, then the obvious choice is a few sets of underwear, a minimum of two pairs of comfortable shoes, t-shirts and a raincoat, one or two sweatshirts, some pants, etc. Cosmetics with cream with a filter and basic hygiene, because you never know if we'll spend an unexpected night at the airport. Sunglasses, a working phone and camera will also be useful. It is also worth having a local currency and some phrase books, even very primitive, because in case of an emergency situation they can certainly help. Tourists very often forget that through their own inattention they can easily become victims of theft, and too ostentatious handling of electronic equipment or money will certainly attract pickpockets, regardless of where to rest.

Category: Guide | February 12, 2017 | admin

The west coast of the USA includes not only the California Pacific coast or the areas of Washington and Oregon, but also territories belonging to the relatively remote states of the states of Arizona and Nevada. For this reason, most trips to the west coast of the United States cannot take place without a stay in Arizona and Nevada, due to three unique tourist attractions. In Arizona, these are the Grand Canyon, the largest (but not the deepest) gorge in the world, and Antelope Canyon, a set of picturesque gorges formed by leaching sedimentary rocks, mainly sandstone, through water. The biggest attraction in Nevada is the world capital of gambling, i.e. Las Vegas. Many more attractions can be found in California. Already in Los Angeles you can visit one of the most famous beaches in the world, Malibu and Santa Monica, head to Beverly Hills or walk around the world-famous Avenue of Stars. In San Francisco, a city much more architecturally interesting than Los Angeles, the biggest attractions are, of course, the Golden Gate Bridge and a tram ride on the sloping streets of the city. One of the world's largest oceanariums is worth visiting in Monterey, and the zoo in San Diego. Another attraction in California is Silicon Valley, located in the Santa Clara Valley, the global center of the IT industry. It is also worth remembering the numerous California national parks, among which the most famous are Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park and Death Valley National Park. The city is much more architecturally interesting than Los Angeles, the biggest attractions are, of course, the Golden Gate Bridge and a tram ride on the steep streets of the city. One of the world's largest oceanariums is worth visiting in Monterey, and the zoo in San Diego. Another attraction in California is Silicon Valley, located in the Santa Clara Valley, the global center of the IT industry. It is also worth remembering the numerous California national parks, among which the most famous are Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park and Death Valley National Park. The city is much more architecturally interesting than Los Angeles, the biggest attractions are, of course, the Golden Gate Bridge and a tram ride on the steep streets of the city. One of the world's largest oceanariums is worth visiting in Monterey, and the zoo in San Diego. Another attraction in California is Silicon Valley, located in the Santa Clara Valley, the global center of the IT industry. It is also worth remembering the numerous California national parks, among which the most famous are Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park and Death Valley National Park. and in San Diego the zoo there. Another attraction in California is Silicon Valley, located in the Santa Clara Valley, the global center of the IT industry. It is also worth remembering the numerous California national parks, among which the most famous are Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park and Death Valley National Park. and in San Diego the zoo there. Another attraction in California is Silicon Valley, located in the Santa Clara Valley, the global center of the IT industry. It is also worth remembering the numerous California national parks, among which the most famous are Yosemite National Park, Sequoia National Park and Death Valley National Park.

Category: Guide | February 12, 2017 | admin

The iron point of the trip to the east coast of the USA is of course New York. For some - the capital of the world, called the Big Apple. For others - a moloch without properties, called the Great Dumpster. The fact is, however, that a trip to the east coast doesn't make much sense if you don't see Times Square, Fifth Avenue, Statue of Liberty, Empire State Building or Ground Zero - the place where the World Trade Center towers were demolished in the 9/11 attack. Northeast of New York is Boston, considered by many to be the most European city in the USA, which houses the most renowned university in the world - Harvard University. From New York in a few hours you can get to the world famous Niagara Falls. Starting south from New York you can get to Philadelphia, that is, the city being the cradle of American statehood and to the country's capital, Washington, where you can go to visit the headquarters of the President of the USA, the White House. The last place on the east coast to stay in is Florida. There you can go to the Disneyland located in Orlando, or visit the Space Center on Cape Canaveral, from which manned space flights take off. Those seeking a more peaceful rest can spend time on the world-famous beaches of Miami or go to the Everglades National Park, where you can observe wild alligators. There you can go to the Disneyland located in Orlando, or visit the Space Center on Cape Canaveral, from which manned space flights take off. Those seeking a more peaceful rest can spend time on the world-famous beaches of Miami or go to the Everglades National Park, where you can observe wild alligators. There you can go to the Disneyland located in Orlando, or visit the Space Center on Cape Canaveral, from which manned space flights take off. Those seeking a more peaceful rest can spend time on the world-famous beaches of Miami or go to the Everglades National Park, where you can observe wild alligators.

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Category: Guide | February 13, 2017 | admin

Macedonia is not the richest country in the region, which is why tourists eager for metropolitan attractions have little to look for in this country. Yes, Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, is still developing, but it's far from even Croatian or Slovenian cities. The best in Macedonia are nature and monuments. The largest attraction of Macedonia is Lake Ohrid with nearby nearby Ohrid. Ohrid Lake is the oldest lake in Europe, very deep (up to 286 m deep), quite warm, very clean and extremely beautiful. Picturesque churches and monasteries can be seen on its steep banks. The name of the lake comes from Ohrid, a small city founded in ancient times lying on its shore. Among tourists, the multicultural Ohrid is considered a true pearl of the Balkans, with numerous old churches (some were built over a thousand years ago) or an ancient amphitheater. South of the city, on the shore of the lake, stands the historic monastery of St. Nauma, which is also worth a visit. Another great place in Macedonia is Lake Prespa, which is a great nature reserve. It is also worth remembering Galiczica, which is an extremely picturesque mountain range between the lakes Prespa and Ohrid. Add to this the ancient astronomical observatory in Kokino or the "Stone City" complex of stone poles formed millions of years ago located in Kuklica, Macedonia appears as a place where history and nature created an exceptionally beautiful mosaic. on the shores of the lake stands the historic monastery of St. Nauma, which is also worth a visit. Another great place in Macedonia is Lake Prespa, which is a great nature reserve. It is also worth remembering Galiczica, which is an extremely picturesque mountain range between the lakes Prespa and Ohrid. Add to this the ancient astronomical observatory in Kokino or the "Stone City" complex of stone poles formed millions of years ago located in Kuklica, Macedonia appears as a place where history and nature created an exceptionally beautiful mosaic. on the shores of the lake stands the historic monastery of St. Nauma, which is also worth a visit. Another great place in Macedonia is Lake Prespa, which is a great nature reserve. It is also worth remembering Galiczica, which is an extremely picturesque mountain range between the lakes Prespa and Ohrid. Add to this the ancient astronomical observatory in Kokino or the "Stone City" complex of stone poles formed millions of years ago located in Kuklica, Macedonia appears as a place where history and nature created an exceptionally beautiful mosaic. which is an extremely picturesque mountain range between the lakes Prespa and Ohrid. Add to this the ancient astronomical observatory in Kokino or the "Stone City" complex of stone poles formed millions of years ago located in Kuklica, Macedonia appears as a place where history and nature created an exceptionally beautiful mosaic. which is an extremely picturesque mountain range between the lakes Prespa and Ohrid. Add to this the ancient astronomical observatory in Kokino or the "Stone City" complex of stone poles formed millions of years ago located in Kuklica, Macedonia appears as a place where history and nature created an exceptionally beautiful mosaic.

Category: Guide | June 5, 2018 | admin

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Under the name "Costa Brava" is the Catalan Mediterranean coast, or rather part of it, stretching from the city of Blanes to the border with France. The name "Costa Brava" means "Wild coast" in Spanish and indeed - it is full of forgotten, quiet and rocky places where tourists practically lack.

What cities to visit?

The most important cities of Costa Brava are Blanes, Figueres and Girona and it is from them that you can start exploring this region. Blanes together with the nearby Looret de Mar form by far the most entertaining tandem in the region. It is full of hotels, bars and discos. Blanes also has the longest beach on the coast, although it should be remembered that the city is relatively old and full of interesting monuments. While in Blanes, it's also worth visiting the magnificent Marimurtra Botanical Garden.

The capital of the region, Girona, is a charming city with a beautifully preserved medieval old town, a gothic cathedral and a perfect connection with both the coast and southern Barcelona. While in Girona, we can visit numerous churches, including The Basilica of Sant Feliu or the Benedictine monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants, museums (e.g. Girona History Museum or Archaeological Museum - one of the oldest museums in Catalonia), as well as admire examples of Art Nouveau architecture.

Salvador Dali city

Deciding to relax in the Costa Brava, it is worth visiting Figueres, which is the place of birth and burial of Salvador Dali. The city has a museum dedicated to the painter's work, as well as his grave. It is worth noting that in 2017 the artist's body was exhumed at the request of a Tarocist who considered herself to be his daughter. However, studies have not shown any kinship between them.

A stay in Figueres is a great choice for art lovers, but not only - the city also has other attractions that attract tourists, such as the fortress of Castell de Sant Ferran, as well as intimate cafes, numerous bars and restaurants.

What else is worth seeing?

Other places on the Costa Brava that are worth visiting are the Roman ruins of Empuries, surrounded by the coral reefs of the island of Medes, the historic town of Tossa de Mar or the intimate Vic filled with buildings designed by Antonio Gaudi.

Driving off season for holidays on the Spanish Costa Brava should not expect crowds of tourists. It is worth knowing, in this part of Spain there are undamaged remains of many ancient and medieval buildings, which usually attract more sophisticated travelers, not looking only for thoughtless, urban or beach entertainment.

Category: Guide | February 16, 2017 | admin

Knowledge of English seems sufficient to communicate freely when traveling to even the farthest corners of the world. However, there are places where you should use the local language to be well received by the locals. Before traveling to which cities are better to learn the basic phrases in the language there?
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No, I do not speak english

The first country where the mother tongue is considered almost sacred is France. Evidence of this is even replacing some words with their own equivalents, such as ordinateur meaning computer, or even abbreviations such as DNA, which took the form of ADN over Loire. It is said that in the country of the Eiffel Tower it is better to assemble sentences with infinitives, but in French than to stain the Champs Elysees with English expressions, which, by the way, probably the native French will ignore despite knowing the language. You should also get to know Langue Francais before traveling to Central Africa, West Africa, Maghreb, the French islands of the Indian Ocean (Kerguelen Islands), the Pacific (Bora Bora, Tahiti) and the Caribbean Sea (Martinique).

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Spain! How good!

Looking at Polish cinema, many of you probably associate Spanish-language issues with the iconic movie: Killers 2. If then you liked the language so much that you decided to learn it better, it will make it easier for you not only to travel around Spain, but also to the countries of South and Central America.

According to the guides, when shopping at el mercado or strolling the streets around the favela better to know at least the basics of Spanish, because knowledge of English outside of places intended for tourists is not popular. This will not only facilitate communication, but also allow you to gain the trust and sympathy of the local population.

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To se ne vrati, but it will help

The collapse of the USSR, apart from the appearance of 15 countries on the map, simplified the communication of tourists during trips to the east, because in each of these countries the universal language is Russian. We should, therefore, easily communicate in it not only in Lithuania or Belarus, but also in Estonia or Armenia.

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Portugal and the land of dromedaries

The language spoken by close Spanish neighbors - Portuguese is the official language also in Brazil, Angola and Cape Verde. While choosing to travel to African countries such as Egypt or Morocco or Middle East countries such as Cyprus or Turkey, it is worth learning a few Arabic expressions. If it seems too difficult for you, we will comfort you. In many places, depending on whose colony the state was, knowledge of French or English allows for free communication.

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