Debate Magazine

The New JDU

Posted on the 07 May 2014 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
jdu header1I want to alert my friends here at Israel Thrives that our associated magazine, Jews Down Under, has undergone a significant face-lift and, in my opinion, has approached a level of professionalism on par with pretty much anything that is out there in terms of aesthetics and, increasingly, content.
I have to say, Shirlee has done just a remarkable job putting JDU together and she should be commended.
It is a rare individual who can take an idea and not only turn it into a blog, but into a full-blown magazine in such a brief period of time.  Certainly I have not done it.  Israel Thrives is basically my own personal blog, and I am very grateful to you guys who participate here, but Shirlee has in short order turned her blog into an entirely professional magazine and she is doing it within a not-for-profit model.
I think that you guys should drop in and say "hello."
We need to support one another.

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