Books Magazine

The Naomi Letters by @rmennies

By Pamelascott

The Naomi Letters is a collection of epistles, mostly love letters, written from one woman to another over the span of a year (& some); it's a book about insomnia and suicide, about love and distance, about women poets and the role of poetry in articulating and shaping desire.



(@boaeditions, 27 April 2021, ebook, 112 pages, #ARC from the publisher via @edelweiss_squad and voluntarily reviewed)



I thought this was an incredible collection of poetry. The poems don't have titles as such, but the collection is split into months of the year. I loved the idea of the collection, sent and unsent letters between two women exploring the themes of love among others. Other themes are explored such as suicide and gender, but the love poetry stood out for me and made this collection quite remarkable. The poems are beautifully written, full of startling images and ideas. I loved them all. The Naomi Letter is sheer pleasure.

The Naomi Letters by @rmennies

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