Religion Magazine

The Minimalist Guide to Religious Theory

By Albert Wagner @albertwagner4
'"There goes one of those crazy Christians again." 
Statements like this are made every day by countless people across America.  It seems religion in America is losing some of its' "punch", or value to the average American. 
The Shift Away From Religion In America
There could be a lot of reasons for this shift.  Some reasons could be the rise in single parent households, access to the World Wide Web or things such as the taking away of reading the Ten Commandments or participating in prayer in school.
There extremists who think Christians will be persecuted in the next hundred years or so, which would be similar to ancient times in Christianity.  Religion in America is veering toward a crossroads.
This post looks at the difference in thinking between the world and religion.  The purpose is to  differentiate the two to help people make a more informed decision.  A lack of knowledge could be one reason there is a decline in religious values, as daily life is consumed by worldly affairs.
In regard to the quote at the beginning of the post, just how crazy is it to think along terms of religion?
Here are some ways the world thinks, followed by ways Christians think (and those with faith of other kinds).
 Worldly Principles1. Giving credit to an individual for their talent and abilities.
Worldly people think it is all about them.  You got where you are based on your own talent and determination.  According to this logic you got where you are because you wanted to.
For example they think LeBron James deserves all of the credit for his talent.
 (Does that sound like Republicanism?)  2. Thinking freedom is a large good.
Worldly people think they should have the freedom to do whatever they want.  These people think they should be able to say whatever they want, even if it is hurtful to others.
"Free thinkers" are viewed as a good thing for those who are worldly.
3. Obey the laws of man.
Worldly people are not focused on the laws of God in daily life.  A worldly person might think stealing is justified to support a family.  The ends seem to justify the means.
4. Take what comes and make the best of it.
Worldly people think life is all up to them.  They think who is the strongest and smartest will win. 
They take the credit when things do their way and become despondent when they don't.
Religious Principles
1. Giving credit to God for their talent and abilities.
Religious people understand what they have comes from their Creator.  People are stewards of God's creation who one day report what they did with it.
2. Realizing freedom comes with responsibility.
Religious people realize freedom has downsides.  For example, freedom does not mesh with the political system in Saudi Arabia.  They believe family should be cohesive instead of brother against brother. 
The existence of "free thinkers" can be bothersome to some people in that culture.
3. Thinking obedience to God and his word are a large good
Religious people obey the law of God before the law of man.   With this line of thinking stealing to support a family is not justified because it is one of the Ten Commandments of God.
4. Thinking God is working with his plan
Religious people think God has a plan for their life and is working through with it on his time.  Sometimes a situation seems like there is no earthly way to get out of realistically.  With a religious viewpoint realizing God is in charge can reduce some of the ups and downs of human life.
Religion believes that God can work beyond what we experience in the physical realm if it is part of his plan.  For example, the parting of the Red Sea is beyond human comprehension, since humans largely think in the physical plane.  For God it is not impossible.
Religious people give credit to their Creator when things are going their way and accept it as part of God's plan when they don't.
How Does This Fit Into Daily Life?
The odds are you govern your daily life primarily by one of these methods (worldly or religious), whether you realize it or not.  This post is mostly to get you to think about which one you use more and the ramifications.
For example, if you govern your life primarily by the worldly way and still feel empty inside the religious views offer alternatives to think about. 
God gave you the free will to choose for yourself.  But, beware.  You also have to live with the consequences of your choices.  Their are countless small choices we make every day as humans, such as what to wear and eat or how to treat each other.
There seems to be an overall shift in modern American society which is moving away from the religious theory.  In the long term society as a whole will likely feel these effects in some way. 
The freedoms in American society will likely draw talent from around the world, so this decline might seem gradual.  Freedom can also have down sides, as is experienced when terrorists come to America.
Education is power, and now is the time to think about these things.
Are you more of a worldly person or a religious person?
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