Politics Magazine

The Lie of Declining Homophobia in America

Posted on the 26 October 2014 by Calvinthedog

Probably because schools are so homophobic. Seems like all schools, and including colleges are hate laboratories. I mean there has always been fighting at school, and some kind of caste system, that’s just part of growing up. Nowadays, though, it’s gotten really on the edge.

I will tell you one thing that has gotten way worse is homophobia*. In the 1970’s, no one cared. The assumption was all guys were straight until proven otherwise and no one really worried about this stuff. The gays were mostly closeted and there was not a lot of fagging around by straight guys.

Let me tell you, men had a lot more behavioral freedom in those days because standards of masculinity were so relaxed. This was the era of David Bowie, the New York Dolls, Aerosmith, Mick Jagger, T Rex, Iggy Pop, Mott the Hoople and all sorts of seriously androgynous mostly straight rockstars. It was hip to be a straight androgyne. We do not have that freedom at all anymore, and people are vastly more homophobic now than they were then.

Let us put it this way. If I walk, talk, move, sit, stand, dress, or have mannerisms like I did in the 1970’s, I would be being called a faggot all day long nowadays. Back then, I didn’t hear it much, and most people just assumed I was straight even on first meeting me. Guys would meet me as total strangers and right away start talking about women. It was sort of like, “Well I see you like to fuck chicks, dude. Me too. Let’s you and me go get some chicks, stud.”

Because we have so much less space now, I have started acting a lot more conspicuously masculine. Maybe even macho, I have no idea. And even then I hear that I must be gay now and again. Because, you know, I sit with my legs crossed, so I must be a faggot. I do not mind acting this way, as there is part of me that is like that anyway so I can just plug into that part of myself, but it’s not like I am free to be myself.

If you look at male porn stars from the 1970’s, they were much more androgynous than they are now. Nowadays male porn starts are covered with tattoos, jacked up and hypermasculine looking. They look like they want to kill you. I cannot remember the last time I saw a 70’s style male porn star in a recent porn film.

All this gay rights stuff is a smokescreen. Most straight people are wildly homophobic. Straight men are a disaster, especially Black and Hispanic men who are basically psychotic on the subject. And most straight women are outrageously homophobic too, but only in a strange way. They spend a Hell of a lot of time accusing various straight men around them of being gay!

The gays came out of the closet all right, but I do not think people got any saner as a result. It seems like Gay Lib just made people even nuttier on this subject. I think we were much saner about male homosexuality in the 1970’s than we are now.

We have really gone downhill. Sex roles have totally regressed and we are back into stupid rigid traditional crap.

I would like to close by pointing out that the vast majority of who are gay baited or victims of anti-gay harassment or even gay-bashing are actually straight men. I figure 85% of men who are gay-bashed, gay baited or gay bullied are actually straight. Gay men probably only make up maybe 15% of that total.

I do not think the Gay Lobby has been helpful for these straight men at all. In fact, I think they have just made things even worse for them. Gay Lib was a great idea, but I don’t think many people got liberated.

*When I refer to homophobia, I mean male homosexuality. I do not think anyone cares about female homosexuality. I mean how many women get told, “Well obviously you are a lez. Hey, you act like a dyke.” I never hear anyone saying that to any woman. Women can act any way they want to.

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