Food & Drink Magazine

The Kiddo Wanted Fruit Salad. So We Made Fruit Salad.

By Slowdownandsavor

Yesterday, the kiddo had his classroom Thanksgiving Feast, and instead of a grand Thanksgiving-inspired meal, the teacher had the class vote on an activity instead. They all chose to craft cute little turkeys from Oreos, frosting and a whole assortment of candy.

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How cute is that? In addition to making mini turkeys, the class also helped the teacher put together a fruit salad. Now, fruit salad doesn’t seem like something that a bunch of 1st graders would really jump all over, and honestly, most of the kids weren’t that into it. But the teacher, being as awesome as she is, had all the kids promise to at least TRY one bite of the Cool Whip laden fruit. While some kids griped about the fruit and dug right into their chocolatey sweet treat, my little man cleaned his plate of fruit salad, and asked for more. He chose fruit over chocolate. I felt a bit of parenting success with this, and later felt more success when he asked to make the same fruit salad at home, so that we may bring it to our church community group meeting we had that evening. Of COURSE we can.

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So after school was let out, we piled up in the car and headed to the local store to grab the necessary ingredients to make our own version of the class room fruit salad, that he kept calling fruit cobbler.

Him: “I can’t WAIT to make our own fruit cobbler.”
Me: “It’s not cobbler!”
Him: “Then what would YOU call it?”
Me: “Fruit salad.”

10 minutes later

Him: “This fruit cobbler is going to be so good…”

1 hour later

Him: “Is the fruit cobbler going to be cold enough for group tonight?”

At community group

Him: “We brought fruit cobbler!”

Oh well, this fruit salad was super easy to make, and was really fun because the two of us made it together!


The best part? Everyone LOVED it. It’s cold, sweet and refreshing, and honestly, it’s not that bad for you if you opt for the lower fat/calorie ingredients, like natural canned fruit cocktail in water, as well as using the Cool Whip Free over the regular Cool Whip. But if you’re not worried about those things, go all in.


So get in the kitchen with your kids, and whip up something fun, delicious, exciting, and something that will make them PROUD to show off.

The kiddo wanted fruit salad. So we made fruit salad.
Cool Fruit Salad 2014-11-19 10:19:41
The kiddo wanted fruit salad. So we made fruit salad.
Easy, delicious and fun for you and your kids to put together as a team! Write a review Save Recipe Print Ingredients
  1. 3 apples, large-chopped
  2. 2 bananas, sliced
  3. 2 cans of natural fruit cocktail in water, drained
  4. 1 jar of maraschino cherries, drained
  5. 1 tub of Cool Whip Free
  1. Combine all the fruit and whipped topping in a large bowl. Chill until ready to eat.
  1. Have fun!
By Unknown Slow Down and Savor

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