Fashion Magazine

The Guide to Colorful Shoes

By Attireclub @attireclub

Colorful shoes are an uncommon, yet great fashion item. You can wear them to express your personality, to break up a conservative outfit or to complete your already colorful outfit. While the market for women’s colorful shoes is quite big, men need to spend more time searching for a good pair of colorful shoes.

Florian cream Canvas Mens Shoes with Curve Detail illustratated by Keren Shpilsher, available on the Arama Shoes store

Florian cream Canvas Mens Shoes with Curve Detail illustratated by Keren Shpilsher, available on the Arama Shoes store

We know that colorful shoes are not so common and that it might be tricky to find a good pair of colorful shoes that should be both elegant and practical.

Arama Shoes for example, is a brand from Israel by Oded Arama that creates fantastic colorful shoes. The shoes are unisex, and because of this, they come in very special shapes and colors. The Arama shoes are made from a variety of special fabrics and are highly comfortable. Their uniqueness is what makes them so appealing: wear one of these pairs and you are sure to stand out from the crowd wherever you go.

The reason why colorful shoes are so special is because they indicate a deliberate choice of style. A man wearing a pair of colorful shoes is someone who pays attention to detail and makes confident choices. If you are not a guy who is very keen on wearing colorful shoes, you should give them a chance. A good pair of shoes can improve your attitude and even make you feel more confident.

These are the unique Angula Croco Patent leather oxford shoes by Arama Shoes. This pair is fantastic for dancing in a club!

These are the unique Angula Croco Patent leather oxford shoes by Arama Shoes. This pair is fantastic for dancing in a club!

How to wear colorful shoes

As you probably already know, the number one rule of shoes (besides that they have to fit right from the start), is that your shoes need to match your belt. This being said, you might ask yourself: if you are wearing burgundy shoes, printed shoes or colorful shoes in general, should your belt be the same color as well? The answer is yes, but they don’t have to be the same shade. For example if you are wearing dark blue shoes, you can wear a light blue belt, given the fact that most colorful shoes are casual.

These printed shoes by Arama are quite special as they do not feature the same print, but mirrored, each shoe is unique and complementary to the other one.

These printed shoes by Arama are quite special as they do not feature the same print, but mirrored, each shoe is unique and complementary to the other one.

If you wear shoes that feature a print, then you can have a belt that has a print as well or that has a pattern that matches the shoes’ print. This might be hard to pull off, which is why we have a tip that is always a safe bet.

If you want to wear colorful shoes, but don’t know exactly how to match them to your belt, skip the belt and go for suspenders. The rule is that belts and suspenders should never be worn at the same time, so wearing colorful shoes with suspenders is something with which you can’t go wrong. This way, nobody will be able to accuse you that you did not match your shoes to your belt properly and that you are a sartorial mess.

Sunrise Hand Brushed Pink Marshmallow Nubuck Leather Shoes by Arama Shoes

Sunrise Hand Brushed Pink Marshmallow Nubuck Leather Shoes by Arama Shoes

Of course, it’s not just your belt that needs to match your shoes. The shoes you are wearing should be in tandem with your whole outfit. To obtain a harmonious look, you can always match your shoes to your shirt. This way, if you are wearing a pink shirt with pink shoes, there is enough distance between the two pink areas on your body so that they do not clash. In this case, it would probably be best if you were to wear pants in a neutral color, such as khaki or beige to make sure that your break it up a little.

There are a few major ways in which you can wear colorful shoes:

  1. In a monochrome outfit. If you wear a single color, you should definitely wear it from head to toe and match your shoes to the rest of your outfit
  2. As a pop of color. You can wear colorful shoes with an otherwise neutral outfit. For example, a white shirt, a black pair of pants and purple shoes will make your outfit look more refined and complete
  3. Reflected. We already mentioned this before: You can wear a colorful pair of shoes with just one other colorful item, such as a shirt or a jacket, keeping the rest of your outfit neutral
  4. With a pattern. If you are wearing a pattern, your shoes can be in one of the colors found in the pattern. The other way around, if your shoes have a pattern or a print, you can wear them with a piece in one of the pattern’s colors. Mixing patterns might be hard, but if you experiment with it, you can actually obtain great results!

To be more subtle, you can match your shoes to your bag, your tie or your jacket. As we always say, matching does not necessarily mean that they should be of the same color, but that they should go together well. For example, you can have a bag and a pair of shoes of the same color, but of different shades: one lighter and the other one darker.

Make sure that you don’t wear colorful shoes with tuxedos or other highly formal pieces. You always want your outfits to be flowing and constant in terms of “theme”.

When should you wear colorful shoes?

Colorful shoes are generally quite casual. Depending on the style, they range from casual to semi-formal, meaning that it is OK to wear them at events such as exhibition openings, parties, clubs, etc., but it is not alright to wear them at black tie events.

Even though colorful shoes are on the casual side of the shoes spectrum, you should never wear them with sports socks. Speaking of socks, if you decide that you want to wear colorful socks with your colorful shoes, make sure that you create a color scheme of colors that create great harmony when put together.

We know that the rule is that your shoes need to match your pants (and belt), but since your shoes and your socks are so close to each other, we would say that it is highly risky to wear colors or patterns that don’t go together well. Try not to clutter the lower part of your body too much; you will draw all the attention there. There are not many setting in which you can wear so much color around your feet.

Colorful shoes are quite creative and they stand out, so you might want to wear them when you wish to make a big visual impact, but you can also wear them when you are meeting somebody in a bar.

There is not precise rule or guideline when it comes to wearing colorful shoes: you can wear them anywhere you want and at any time of day in any place. However, depending on your location, we would recommend that you wear them more in the summer than in the winter. The reason for this is because in many places around the world, in winter your shoes tend to become dirty quite fast. Having stains on your shoes is really not a good look. The reason why most winter shoes are black or brown is because the dirt with which they come in contact is less contrasting with the shoe and less visible.

Colorful shoes are bold pieces; they draw attention and make you stand out. Wearing such shoes is going to give you an original look and this is why it is important to find just the right shoes for yourself. We definitely recommend that you embark on this style adventure and can guarantee that you won’t regret wearing a pair of marvelous colorful shoes.

Fraquoh and Franchomme

photos by Dadi Elias

P.S. Do you like wearing colorful shoes? What color do you prefer? What do you make of printed shoes? Share your thoughts, questions or comments below and don’t forget to subscribe to our website or follow us on our social media!

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