Destinations Magazine

The Great London Movies No.18: Exit Through The Gift Shop

By Lwblog @londonwalks

The Great London Movies No.18: Exit Through The Gift Shop It’s The Daily Constitutional Film Festival. And it’s programmed by London Walks Guides and London Walkers. Which is the greatest London movie of them all? The best performance in a London-set film? Your favorite London movie location?
As usual, we want to hear from you – send us your favorite London movie nominations to the usual email address, get in touch with us on Twitter @londonwalks or leave a comment at the bottom of this post.
Street Art expert and LW guide Pepe adds…
No. 18: Exit Through The Gift Shop
I'll go for Banksy's documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop.  Loads of East and Central London locations.  
Thanks Pepe. This enigmatic classic was described thus in the L.A Times: “Subversive, provocative and unexpected, "Exit Through the Gift Shop" delights in taking you by surprise, starting quietly but ending up in a hall of mirrors as unsettling as anything Lewis Carroll's Alice ever experienced. Even when you think you've figured this film out, you can't shake the notion that maybe you haven't.”
Here’s the trailer…

Pepe’s Rep Walk on Street Art has proven so popular that it’s going out every week from the 5th May. A savvy local, Pepe's got great connections – knows the scene as well as the artists themselves. His walk ends at a street artist's studio and gallery.
Forthcoming Film Walks with London Walks… Alfred Hitchcock's London on September 22, from Holborn underground, both at 10.45; and London on Film on August 25, Bank underground exit 3 at 10.45.
You can also book a private London Film Locations walk by calling London Walks on 020 7624 3978 or emailing [email protected]
A London Walk costs £9 – £7 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at
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