Environment Magazine

The Garden Master: Must-Have Lawn Essentials for Better Gardening

By Gfl

Gardening is fun especially if you have a large or extensive lawn. A lot of lawns that have a vast area are difficult to take care off. The shrubs, vines, and other plants can provide life to your disregarded garden.

No one wants a garden that’s akin to a wild jungle. However, to be able to achieve a lovely and clean looking garden, you may need these garden essentials in your backyard.

Install Retaining Walls

A garden wall is a retaining wall that surrounds a garden. Also named as screen wall, it is often used as a medium to create a terraced backyard. A garden wall is not just an arrangement that is intended to hold the load of soil;  it also serves as an upgraded platform for plants.

Garden walls can be a smart accessory to any home plan, building a wall of shrubs, and flowers where there was formerly just a hard-to-grow hill of hard-to-trim grass. For a home’s garden window, it can even make a great difference in the everyday feel of your home.

Construct Raised Garden Beds

raised beds

Raised garden beds are an essential garden accessory. Also known as garden boxes, are excellent for growing modest divisions of flowers and vegetables. The walls of these beds keep your precious garden soil from being washed away when there is constant heavy rain.

Garden boxes also help keep weeds from the pathway of your garden soil which brings sufficient drainage. They also help protect soil from tightening and work as a wall to prevent insects and pests such as snails and slugs from doing damage to your plants.

In other places, landscapers can plant earlier in the seasons where the loam is heated and drained better since it is above ground level.

Install Garden Sprinklers


Garden sprinklers provide an adequate and sustainable system to water your garden and lawn with minimal effort. Most sprinklers are easy to control; you just have to connect them up to a hose and open the faucet. Some are intended to blast water higher into the air and cover a longer distance than others.

Whatever your landscape’s requirements, you should be able to obtain a sprinkler to pair. Be wise in installing or purchasing sprinkles for your garden. Cheaply made sprinklers can cost you a fortune when it comes to water bills.  You can visit garden stores near you or you can visit online stores like GStore for more choices.

How About Arbors?

Arbor is an upright framework in a garden or landscape that can provide privacy, shade, shelter, and serve as a good centerpiece for emphasis. Arbors can mix in with the landscape or separate various garden areas. Its roof and walls consist of an extensive structure to support fragrant and colorful plants.

Arbors can be connected to a wall, structure or fence, or be freestanding. Although similar to an arbor which is a main structural element, a Lattice is more refined and smaller. Arbors consist of four columns with a minor slatted cover. The edge of an arbor can also be open or coated with trellis or latticework for a more surrounded effect and to help plants better connect.

Don’t Forget the Trellis


Source: https://c1.staticflickr.com

A trellis is a simple structure of upright supports and parallels cross pieces that are flat or low and can lead plants like young trees, vines, and shrubs to rise against objects.

It also serves as an essential part of a garden or, since it stretches in, as an isolation screen. Trellis panels can provide simple and cost-effective screening. You can enhance isolation further by raising vines and shrubs on your screening.

A Trellis consists of a supports like a lattice which can greatly support plants to ensure they don’t fall. If your garden is overlooked or extensive, adding a privacy screen around the lawn decked area or porch, can help produce a private and more comfortable feel, as well as avoiding unwanted attention from the outside.


Having a large or vast garden doesn’t have to be a burden for you.  Make use of your backyard wisely; fill it with lovely flowers and vegetables. You can have sprinklers, raised garden beds, and ardors to achieve your garden goals. Importantly, take care of your garden properly, surely it will provide you best results.

About the Author

Lisa Jones

Lisa Jones is a freelance writer and blogger who loves to write articles about outdoor management and gardening. She keeps herself updated on the latest trends in yard maintenance. During her vacant time, she plays tag with her little sisters.

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