Family Magazine

The Forgotten Art of Lay-by

By Yourfamilysurvivalcoach @shari_brewer

We live in an instant world.

Communication and entertainment, around the clock, at the click of a button. Instant potato and microwaveable pre-cooked pasta. Everything is speedy, who has time to waste waiting. Waiting? Oh, that’s just so yesterday isn’t it, dahhling?!

People want things immediately.
Never later, or when they can afford them, or when they have saved up. Pull out that credit card, or hire purchase application form, and take it home to plug in and play today. Seems all too easy doesn’t it?

Cast your mind wayyyyy back in time, to a life before 48-months-interest-free-nothing-upfront and remember what we did? I do. Lay-by. Now people do still lay-by some things – like the shitload of toys for Christams from the K-Mart or Big W sales, but, let’s be real, that’s more about not having to find a secure hiding spot from the kids than it is anything else. The true art of lay-by is becoming forgotten in our want NOW, get NOW society.

There are a few reasons to love lay-by ….
1. If you are prepared to lay-by something, then you know that you really, truly want it and oh yeah you look forward to it – it’s called patience, baby!
2. The cost of something is spread out over a period of time into affordable chunks.
3. You don’t pay interest on a lay-by – just a deposit and a bit regularly. It’s great for budgeting and helps to avoid the impulse buying of big ticket items.

But remember the thing that sucked about lay-by? Yep, that’s right, the big pain in the bum hassle of having to traipse to the store with on-schedule regularity until you could bring that treasure home. Well …. not anymore!

Like many of you, on-line shopping makes my heart do the little fluttery thing and now I am so stoked to have found online lay-by. Yep, big ticket items (like computers and holidays and other cool things) that you can pay-off bit-by-bit old school lay-by style. Love it.

Having a read through, it looks like you decide the lay-by length (with the maximum of 52 weeks) and the payments are calculated for you accordingly. Each site has it’s own set of user guidelines, so you’ll need to check out each carefully should you wish to use them.



The forgotten art of lay-by

and also ………


The forgotten art of lay-by

Just putting it out there, that this is NOT a sponsored post and I’m yet to use either of these sites. I am though pretty bloody excited at the discovery of them and am thinking already that this may be just the best way of working to upgrade my computer without trekking the interest-free path.

Have you done an online lay-by before? From one of these places, or somewhere else? If so, how was your experience? I’m interested to know (oh, and excited by the possibilities


It’s Tuesday! So, again I’m linking up with Jess from Diary of a SAHM and IBOT!

Check it out!

The forgotten art of lay-by

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